Portland State University’s ASCEND (Advising, Support, Curriculum, Employment, Navigate, Development) Initiative is an overarching framework designed to support first-year and transfer students as they move through year one at PSU. ASCEND outlines a comprehensive approach to providing structured and proactive guidance to students to support their educational goals, connect academic pursuits to post-college plans, and create more intentional support in time-to-degree and credit momentum. The ASCEND framework offers a robust approach by assessing and addressing student needs holistically. ASCEND relies on collaborative campus partnerships to provide thoughtful, data-driven, and intentional changes in support of student success.

ASCEND Framework visual: ASCEND is on the top, with arrows pointing at boxes below labeled Advising, Support, Curriculum, Employment, Navigate, and Development. Projects are listed underneath, which is also listed further down on this page

Critical Factors for Persistence

  • GPA: Students who experience lower GPAs than expected based on their prior academic experiences are less likely to persist. Current term GPA is predictive of future term persistence.
  • Advising: Timely academic advising equips students with success tools and confidence.
  • Career Connections: Drawing meaningful connections between academic goals and career aspirations. 
  • Resources: Proactive efforts in connecting students to services and support. 
  • Engagement: Students' sense of belonging is correlated with the classroom experience. 

Expected Outcomes

  • Eliminate equity gaps and improve overall student persistence.
  • Increase credit completion and reduce time to degree.
  • Improve overall sense of belonging.

Projects under the ASCEND Framework

  • Learn About Our Partners