Program Status: Implementation

Following the 2023 NACADA recommendations, Undergraduate Academic Advising (UAA)  is undergoing a strategic planning process that will align with the mission and vision of UAA as well as the PSU in 2030 Vision and Strategic Imperatives and the Embracing our Majority BIPOC Future framework. The goal of the UAA strategic plan is to create a cohesive and collective vision for academic advising at PSU. The Advising Strategic Plan will center the needs of our current and future PSU students to ensure their success; improve the experience of advisors and advising leadership resulting in a collaborative and positive work environment and culture; and operationalize recommendations from the external assessment by NACADA and internal assessment group. 


  • Engaged in discovery exercise of the strategic planning process and engaged the advising community for relevant feedback on strategic plan priorities.
  • Created timeline and Strategic Plan Charter
  • Internal assessment workgroup shared refined advising definition and draft mission, values, and position statements with the PSU advising community (June 2024)
  • AVP of Undergraduate Academic Advising engaged the advising community in prioritizing NACADA recommendations which informed the strategic plan that is in progress.

In Progress

  • Strategic plan impact and feasibility will be assessed with a diverse group of stakeholders to include critical and important perspectives
  • Associate Vice Provost is working with project management team to develop and finalize work plans, project communication plans, and stakeholder engagement plans.
  • Establish steering group and project teams to develop a draft academic advising strategic plan.
  • Creating the first draft of the UAA Strategic Plan for feedback from the Advising Community.
  • Developing Assessment Plan.
  • Establishing project teams for prioritized areas.

Project Team

Sponsor: Erin Shortlidge
Lead: Randi Harris
Project Manager: Pamela Bock
Steering Group: TBD
Additional Project Team: TBD
Collaborators: Advising Community, OSS, TRSRC, UCC