Project Status: Monitor/Assess

The Early Alerts workgroup is focused on increasing faculty participation in Early Alerts. The workgroup is focusing on how to close the loop with faculty each term, and how to best provide quarterly status reports. Additional work is being done to make Early Alerts data accessible so that it can be shared more regularly. The leadership team has synthesized insights gathered over the past two years to develop a proposal outlining the essential components for a sustainable Early Alerts program at PSU. The recommendations can be seen in the full Students First Status Report. 


  • Developed a mechanism for closing the feedback loop with faculty by sending end-of-term messages that include a link to the Progress Report list, enabling faculty to follow up on actions taken in student cases.
  • Established a comprehensive communications timeline.
  • Conducted further discovery:
    • Met with the Navigate liaison to explore integrating progress reports to eliminate duplicate work for faculty.
    • Consulted with the registrar to review and revise faculty role permissions and visibility settings.
  • Created training materials for department liaisons.
  • Developed a proposal outlining future work and support required to sustain the project.
  • Winter 2024 participation:
    • 26% of undergraduate courses participated (616 out of 2,363 CRNs); a percentage point decrease in participation from last term.
    • 7,400+ progress reports were issued from 413 instructors
    • Over 5,100 undergraduate students were assessed as part of Early Alerts
      • A little over 11 percent of undergraduate students were at risk in one or more of their courses

In Progress

  • Completion of Spring 2024 alerts and initial analysis
  • Creating a systematic approach for acquiring engagement data and reporting it to faculty and staff

Project Team

Sponsor: Erica Wagner
Project Leads: Radhika Reddy and Kate Constable
Project Coordinator: Rianna Piatt
Team: Radhika Reddy, Cori Watkins, Nathaniel Garrod, Rowanna Carpenter, Rachel Webb,  Shoshana Zeisman-Pereyo, Beth Harris
Collaborators: Advising and Career Services