PSU Navigator

To help students at Portland State University get the best and most up to date information possible, this project will develop a PSU Navigator training program that aims to orient employees with a single place to receive information about PSU’s student support services.

Key deliverables for this endeavor include:

  1. Create an inventory of key student support service offerings.
  2. Develop an online training program designed to inform PSU employees of student support services and best practices in providing referrals.
  3. Create a maintenance process to ensure materials remain accurate


  • Follow-up maintenance


The PSU Navigator Training is now available! The training is designed for any employee who wants to help students locate the services they need. An initial campus-wide invitation was sent in October 2021 with nearly 200 folks registering for the training. Check out the PSU Navigator site for details and registration instructions. 

The Student Services Inventory is updated with Fall hours. The inventory lists ~150 student services along with contact information. Currently, the inventory is designed as an internal resource for employees to quickly locate services and refer students to the campus resource best aligned with their needs.

Phase 2 should begin in 2022 with the goal of improving the training by incorporating user feedback and adding a video guide to student service centers. 

Led by

  • Jerrod Thomas, Senior Director of Academic and Technology Services, Office of Information Technology