At PSU, there is currently not a streamlined, single process for students to request emergency aid. Current processes have different intake, eligibility, and access points which results in inequity. At times, a hardship request is completed, only to find that the student is not eligible based on their financial aid award. Meanwhile, multiple solutions (spreadsheets, paper forms, email, and databases) are used to move the request along. Finally, there is no visible centralized way for students to initiate a request. This project seeks to create a student-centered, equitable process that improves access, removes barriers and stigma, and fosters connection to campus supports and resources. 


  • Since launching in Winter 2023, $656,100 has been awarded to students
  • 1,007 students received emergency funds 
  • Implemented minor revisions to application
  • Winter to Spring 23 persistence is 96% (not including graduation)
  • Spring to Fall 23 persistence is 88% (not including graduation)
  • Fall 23 to Winter 24 persistence is 92.1% (not including graduation)
  • Winter to Spring 24 persistence is 91.7% (not including graduation)
  • Banner integration as of March 2023 (automates student payments)
  • Received additional funds from the Foundation - Added to SU
  • The School of Business adopted multiple application questions developed for this pilot.


In Progress

  • Developed assessment plan; survey sent to students  
  • Defining terms for remissions, hardship, emergency aid, and formulating guiding principles
  • Create a project plan for summer to add additional funds and exploration of technology to support 
  • Encourage and assist other departments with Emergency Funds in moving their fund to Scholarship Universe


Project Team

Sponsor: Erica Wagner
Project Lead: Andrea Garrity
Project Coordinator: Beth Harris
Team: Maureen Morgan, Beth Harris, Joanie Barnard