Early Alerts: Syllabus Language

As a participant in Early Alerts, we recommend adding language to your syllabus about Early Alerts and what it means for your students. You can also direct them to our student resource page if they have additional questions about the program and what the Alerts mean.


Suggested Syllabus Language

Struggle is a normal part of taking a college class. My goal as your instructor, and our goal at Portland State, is to support all students and facilitate their success. Early Alerts are a way your instructor can connect you to academic advisors or other campus support. It is also a way for instructors to communicate what changes you can make to be successful in the course. It is intended to open up the conversation between you, your Success Team, and your instructor so that together we can work out how you can achieve your educational goals.

Getting an Early Alert is a call to action. It means your instructor notices that you need support. You might get an email or text asking you to engage with specific resources such as your Advisor, the Progression Team, or Academic Coaches.

This program works if you take action. Students who use the resources offered to them are able to move forward and feel confident they will succeed in the course.