Early Alerts: Faculty Communications

Outreach Faculty Should Expect

Faculty can expect to receive multiple emails about Early Alerts throughout the term. You can view samples of the outreach below. 

Request to Submit Alerts

Subject: Early Alerts: Participation Request 


We are writing to request your participation in PSU's Early Alerts outreach program. Early Alerts are a way for you to help ensure that your students get the support that they need to succeed. You can submit Alerts using the link in this email from now until [End Date]. 


For step-by-step instructions, please watch this 3-minute video. As time allows, click the “Click here to Begin Entering Student Feedback” link below and provide information for the students in your course this term. 


When you indicate that a student is ‘at-risk’, students will receive outreach and information about a variety of resources to support their success. Please only select one alert reason for at-risk students so they don't receive multiple automated emails at once. For athletes, you must enter information whether they are at-risk or not.


Please note that the “Other/personal life issues” option, the student will receive personalized outreach based on your notes on the student. If you have specific activities that you would like us to suggest to your student, please indicate that (or anything else you would like us to know) in the notes. 


For more detailed instructions and information, visit the Early Alerts Web Site. If you have any questions about the process or a specific student, please don't hesitate to reach out to success@pdx.edu.


Thank you for partnering with us to help improve retention!


Best regards,

Your Student Success Team

Student Academic Support Services

Office of Student Success

Undergraduate Academic Advising


Beginning of Term Intro to Early Alerts

Subject: Support student success with Early Alerts


Dear Colleagues, 


As we begin the new academic year I wanted to provide a brief overview of our Early Alerts progress and ask for your support in this program. 


The Early Alerts program has had an impact on student persistence. Our analysis has shown students facing academic challenges that are enrolled in courses participating in Early Alerts persist at a rate five percent higher than similar students enrolled in courses that did not participate in Early Alerts.


We’ve listened to your feedback:

  • Add feedback loop You asked for a way to follow up on results of the alerts you issues. The Early Alerts end-of-term email will include instructions for how you can  view a history of  interventions taken to serve students for whom you submitted an alert. 
  • We continue to fine-tune student facing communication to ensure messaging is supportive and psychologically attuned. 
  • We are connecting with students and faculty who have two or more alerts by providing personalized communication and support from the Progression Team.  
  • A website to support faculty and students is live to share detailed information, instructions, and data.


This year we will continue to work directly with faculty to ensure this program is meeting their needs and will end the year with an assessment of the work. 


I hope you will take time in your staff and department meetings to talk about this program and participate  as this is one of the ways that faculty provide actionable information so that we can provide holistic support to students. 


Please note that the Initiation of Attendance action is distinct from Early Alerts.


The request for participation will come to you from Advising leadership at the beginning of week 3. 


Thank you, 

Erin Shortlidge and the Early Alerts Team 

End of Term Message

Subject: View Early Alerts Outcomes Using Report Feature

Hello faculty,
Thank you so much for participating in the Early Alerts program this term.  This program allows us to provide proactive and holistic support to students. Our initial review shows that 1,153 Early Alerts have been created so far this term. You can view a history of advising interventions taken to serve students for whom you submitted an alert by doing the following:

  1. Use this link to enter the "Reports" section of the Navigate system.
  2. Enter your First and Last name in the indicated field and click “Run Report''.
  3. Click on any student's name to navigate to that student's information page. The  “History” tab will show the student’s advising history.


While all "alerted" students were invited to engage with campus resources, some did not respond. Additionally, this history does not reflect CARE reports and Learning Center appointments. For this reason, some students on your alert list may not have interventions listed in their Navigate system history. If you have any questions, please reach out to success@pdx.edu



Thank you again for contributing to this process,

Erin Shortlidge, Interim Vice Provost for Student Success

Kate Constable, Society and Identity Pathway Director and Advising Co-Lead of the Early Alerts Program

  • More Information on Early Alerts