Respond to an Early Alert Progress Report Request

Step 1

Click the link in the email that you received from your Pathway Advising Director via (you may be asked to login via Single Sign-On)

Step 2

You will be taken to a roster for the class in question. In the second column, mark ‘yes’ for students that you believe are not making sufficient progress in your course.

Step 3

In column 4, you are required to choose one reason for your concern from the ‘alert reasons’ dropdown menu.

Step 4

After selecting alert reasons, you have finished with the required information. However, you can add the student’s current (approximate) grade in column 4, and any other information you would like to share in column 5. This could include information/context about the student, or course resources, or advice

Step 5

When you have completed identifying the at-risk students, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the ‘Submit unmarked students as not At-Risk (I’m all done)’ button.*

*If you would like to leave the campaign open so that you can evaluate students throughout the term, select the top button: "Submit only marked students (but I'm not done)"

Video: Creating an Alert from a Campaign

After Week 7: Initiate an Alert for a Student

During times when Early Alerts Campaigns are not active, (prior to week 3 and after week 7) you can still request support for a student by initiating an alert. You will do this using Navigate

Step 1

Log into EAB Navigate. In the faculty services tab, under ‘Advising’ click on the link to EAB Navigate. 

Step 2

Make sure that the role indicated in the top left is ‘Professor Home’. If you have other roles at PSU, this may open to ‘Staff Home’, ‘Advisor Home’ etc., but this can be changed to the professor role using the dropdown menu next to the role. 

Step 3

Once you’ve ensured that the role is set to professor, select ‘issue an alert’ from the ‘actions’ box on the right.

Step 4

This will open a window where you can enter the student name, and other relevant information. When you have completed the form, click ‘submit’ and an alert will be issued.

Video: Creating an Alert in Navigate (Without a Campaign)

  • More Information on Early Alerts