Portable Space Heaters

  • All approved portable heaters shall have tip-over protection that automatically shuts off the unit if it is tipped over. Portable heaters shall also be UL listed and have automatic temperature shut off. There shall be adequate space provided between the heater and flammable furnishings or other materials at all times.  Heaters shall be plugged directly into a wall outlet and shall never be plugged into an extension cord or surge protector. Heaters shall not be left on and unattended.
  • Portable space heaters must be approved by Facilities and Property Management (FPM) and the Fire Prevention Coordinator prior to use in PSU spaces. Where possible, PSU prefers to handle building temperature concerns with the building's heating and cooling systems prior to using additional mechanisms.
  • Reach out to FPM via the Work Control Center portal for any building temperature concerns and for space heater approvals.