Proactively Planning for Emergencies

Faculty, staff, students and visitors who have disabilities (temporary or permanent) or who may have difficulty exiting during a building evacuation are encouraged to consider these options in advance of spending time at a University location to prepare for building emergencies and evacuations, including fire drills.

Sign Up for the Evacuation Assistance Registry

The Evacuation Assistance Registry is an optional registry for students, faculty, and staff. It compiles information about the work office, residence hall, and class schedule for use by first responders like the PSU Campus Public Safety Office (CPSO) and the Portland Fire and Rescue. This registry is intended for use by people with temporary, permanent, short-, and long-term disability-related needs. PSU students or employees can sign up for the registry through their myPSU page. Once logged in, click “My Account” and then “Evacuation Assistance” to sign up.

Update Your PSU Alert Subscriptions

PSU Alert is a robust, multi­modal mass notification system used to send emergency alerts to the campus community. Sign up to receive emergency text, phone call and email notifications regarding serious campus-wide emergencies. Follow this link for more information and to update your PSU Alert Subscription.

Establish a Communication Plan in Advance

Identify a volunteer (maybe a classmate or colleague) who will communicate with emergency personnel on your behalf during an emergency. 

Understand Your Access Needs During an Emergency

Mobility Impaired - Able to Navigate Stairs

If there is no immediate danger (detectable smoke, fire, or unusual odor), mobility impaired people should move toward the nearest exit and wait until the heavy traffic has cleared before entering the Stairway Landing. At that point, those who are able to walk independently and negotiate stairs may choose to move toward the building’s exit.


Figure running for the exit and figure going down stairs

Mobility Impaired - Wheelchair Users and Those Unable to Navigate Stairs

Those needing to wait for rescue assistance should move toward the building’s area of refuge or stairway landing as soon as possible after the alarm sounds. Wheelchair users are advised to wait until the heavy traffic has passed before entering the stairway landing unless, of course, there is immediate danger (detectable smoke, fire, or unusual odor). Once in the stairway landing, close the door behind you.

If the disabled person is accompanied by a volunteer (see above), that person should proceed to the evacuation assembly point outside the building and give the location of the disabled person to the first responders (Portland Fire and Rescue or Portland State Campus Public Safety officers).

If the person with a disability is alone, they should dial 9-1-1 if they are able to give their location within the building. Keep in mind that cell phone service may be limited once in the stairwell.

Person in a wheelchair and person on the phone talking about their location

Hard of Hearing

All buildings on the PSU campus are equipped with fire alarm strobe lights in main corridors and open office spaces. Persons who are hard of hearing who live or work on campus should request fire alarm strobes for their specific units or individual offices so that they are alerted as soon as possible during an emergency. 

For students, these requests can be made through the Disability Resource Center. For employees, these requests can be made through Human Resources


Fire alarm strobe light and crossed-out ear

During the Building Evacuation

When the building alarm system is activated or an emergency occurs requiring evacuation, you should evacuate if able to do so.

If you are unable to exit the building, locate an Area of Refuge or stairway landing or stay in place. Call 9-1-1 to inform emergency services of your location.

If a volunteer assists you to reach an Area of Refuge or stairway landing, the volunteer should go to the Evacuation Assembly Point and report your location and status to emergency services.

Evacuation Options

Below are evacuation options listed in order of safety:

  1. Exit the building (safest option): Use accessible routes to exit the building if the route appears safe. Note that the accessible route may not always be the nearest exit.
  2. Move to an Area of Refuge or to your building’s Stairway Landing and await rescue assistance.
    1. Areas of Refuge are equipped with two-way devices that communicate with the PSU Campus Public Safety Office. Areas of Refuge exist in the Vanport and Fariborz Maseeh Hall (FMH) buildings at PSU.
    2. Stairway Landings are safer locations where you will wait for rescue. First responders will know to visit these areas first when assisting with evacuation.

Notes about evacuation:

  • First responders will determine the best plan of action for people who require evacuation assistance. That may include staying in place if danger is not imminent, using the elevator, or using an evacuation chair. An assisted evacuation device (otherwise referred to as an “evacuation chair”), is used to evacuate people who cannot safely exit the building on their own. Contact Campus Public Safety before use at 503-725-5911.
  • Some alarms are very short and will be turned off before first responders can check the Areas of Refuge or Stairway Landings. If the alarm stops, you can safely return to your previous location in the building.