Asbestos Management Program

What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral which has been used in a variety of building materials. It is a well recognized hazard, and it is highly regulated. Asbestos has been banned in materials such as spray-fireproofing though it is still found in other commercial products. To date, even new buildings are not free of asbestos containing materials.

Where is it Found?

Asbestos may be present in older campus buildings, especially those built prior to 1981.  The following list describes, but is not limited to, where asbestos containing materials may be found:

  • Most 9x9 and some 12x12 floor tiles (including mastic/glue)
  • Ceiling tiles
  • Wall and ceiling insulation
  • Sprayed-on fireproofing and insulation (including pipes, steel beams, boilers, etc.)
  • Putties, caulks, and cements
  • Wall and ceiling texture ("popcorn" ceilings)
  • Joint compounds

Regulatory Compliance

To ensure compliance with Oregon OSHA and the Department of Environmental Quality, EHS provides support to construction and maintenance projects which may involve asbestos containing materials.

Please contact EHS prior to performing work on, or disturbing material that may contain asbestos.

PSU Asbestos Management Plan

The PSU Asbestos Management Plan provides a template for work practices that minimize the potential for exposure to asbestos-containing materials. 

This plan applies to all employees, contractors, and consultants who have a potential to contact or perform work activities involving actions which may disturb this material.


EHS provides initial and annual awareness and Class III (operations and maintenance) training to PSU staff that may work near or with asbestos containing material.  

Supervisors should ensure new staff members avoid working near or with asbestos containing material until they have received their initial asbestos training.

For more information on Asbestos training, please review our Safety Training webpage

Oregon OSHA Resources

PSU complies with all Oregon OSHA regulatory standards. For more information on the Asbestos Standard please review the resources below.

Oregon OSHA Asbestos Fact Sheet
Oregon OSHA Asbestos Training Fact Sheet
Oregon OSHA Asbestos Standard 

Oregon DEQ Resources

PSU complies with all Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations in regard to the handling, removal and disposal of asbestos-containing material to protect public health and the environment. More information can be found by reviewing the resources below.

Oregon DEQ Asbestos Information
Oregon DEQ Asbestos Requirements
Oregon DEQ Asbestos Survey Requirements
Oregon DEQ Updated Asbestos Rules Fact Sheet