Hot work is the leading cause of fires during construction and maintenance activities. Hot work includes welding, brazing, grinding, open flame use, or any action that could produce sparks or flame. When any of these activities occur in PSU buildings, the Hot Work Program must be utilized to ensure fire and life safety requirements are met. 

Hot Work Permit 

A hot work permit is a document issued for the purpose of authorizing a specified activity in a non-designated hot work area.  Reach out to for more information or to obtain a hot work permit, and include the following information: 

  • Who will conduct the work (a contractor or PSU staff) 
  • Name of the person performing the work 
  • Date the work is to be done 
  • Location of the work (building and room number if applicable) 
  • Type of work to be done (grinding, welding, brazing, etc) 
  • Length of time for the work to be completed 
  • Anticipated impacts to fire system (e.g. does a smoke detector or sprinkler need to be isolated) 
PSU hot work permit

Designated Hot Work Areas 

In certain situations, hot work may be performed without the assignment of a fire watch. This work must be performed in a designated hot work area in areas where the full fire detection and suppression systems are operational, or at the discretion of the Fire Prevention Coordinator (or their designee). Locations are inspected every 6 months, and an annual permit for the location will be issued. Please reach out to