Student Health Advisory Board (SHAB)

Student Health Advisory Board (SHAB)

What is SHAB?

SHAB is the Student Health Advisory Board and we bridge the gap between SHAC and the students of Portland State’s health care needs. We communicate the students perspectives with Portland State and SHAC to accommodate their physical and mental health needs and provide resources.

Mission, Vision & Values


SHAB works towards improving and maintaining students' health care. We are working to lower the cost of health resources for students and to continue guiding students through the system of health insurance.  


To be the students of Portland State's advocate at the Student Health and Counseling center.


Equity, advocacy, privacy, teamwork, and innovation 

Current Projects

  • SHAC Relocation Discussion: relocation of SHAC and who will be funding the relocation
  • SHAC Aux Fee: SHAC pays a 21% Auxiliary fee and we would like to lower the cost that SHAC incurs
  • Outreach Efforts: International student outreach. Additional outreach efforts to the general PSU student body in order to increase awareness of SHAC services.

Contact Us

If you’re interested in joining SHAB, learning more information or contacting the board, please email

Past Projects

In previous years, SHAB has worked to impact these areas of student health and wellness:

  • Transgender health coverage to the University’s health insurance policy
  • Ensured appropriate use of student health fee
  • Advocated for improved student mental health resources

SHAB hopes to continue their work and utilize student input to further our mission. The board thrives on hearing from the PSU student community and your feedback is valued regarding access to campus health services, academic barriers related to health, and health insurance.