Welcome to the Outdoor Program 

Since 1966, the Outdoor Program (ODP) has helped the Portland State community to access and enjoy the great outdoors, build community, increase environmental awareness, and provide exciting experiences in new settings. The ODP provides a wide variety of opportunities including guided outdoor trips, workshops and certification courses, outdoor rental gear at affordable rates, and an indoor Climbing Center. All skill and experience levels are welcome. Whether you are looking to embark on an adventure or learn a new outdoor skill, join the ODP in exploring the wild side of Oregon.

Kayak Pool Sessions

Kayak pool sessions are a chance for kayakers of all experience levels to work on skills and have fun in the safety of the pool. If you're a beginner, this is a great way to get comfortable in a boat, learn basic strokes, and start working towards more advanced skills. The pool is a great place for intermediate or advanced paddlers to master your roll (including your off-side roll, hand roll, etc.), play with different types of boats and get ready for the paddling season ahead. Non-members can attend without member sponsorship and must purchase a guest pass for $7 per session. Personal and clean boats are welcome.

Open pool sessions provide an opportunity for kayakers of all experience levels to work on skills in the safety of the pool. Kayak Pool Session monitors are able to provide instruction to their ability, but are not certified kayak instructors. Please check in with each monitor about your learning goals. Learn more about the Kayak Pool Session Rules before your visit.

Please see our Aquatics Schedule for sessions schedule. 

Register for the next session on our member portal.


Outdoor Program Office - ASRC 180
505 SW Harrison Street 
Portland, Oregon 97201
Outdoor Program Office on Google Maps


Phone: 503.725.5668
Email: odp@pdx.edu


The Outdoor Program Office is located in the Academic & Student Recreation Center (ASRC) on the corner of SW 5th Ave and Harrison Street. This is a separate entrance from the main entrances to the ASRC.

ODP Crater Lake trip

Outdoor Trips

Being active outdoors improves focus, elevates your mood, and enhances your physical and emotional wellbeing. Participating in outdoor activities in a group setting provides opportunities for social connection and engagement. Join the ODP for student-led outdoor trips that support your health and wellbeing.

Trip Difficulty Levels

  • Easy: Relatively low to moderate physical activity; no previous experience needed.
  • Moderate: Moderate physical activity and/or more challenging terrain; some previous experience is helpful, but not required.
  • Difficult: Good physical conditioning required. Challenging terrain  and/or environmental conditions; previous experience or technical knowledge is strongly encouraged.
Difficulty Level Descriptions: Easy: Relatively low to moderate physical activity; no previous experience needed. Moderate: Moderate physical activity and/or more challenging terrain; some previous experience is helpful, but not required.  Difficult: Good physical conditioning required. Challenging terrain  and/or environmental conditions; previous experience or technical knowledge is strongly encouraged.

Trip Dates & Details

Trip NameDifficultyDatesTimeRegistration DeadlineFee 
Cape Lookout Whale Watching
Medium difficulty level icon


Saturday, October 128 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, October 9 at 5 p.m.

$40 for Campus Rec members.

Ape Caves


Saturday, October 198 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, October 16 at 5 p.m.$40 for Campus Rec members.
Climbing at French's Dome
Medium difficulty level icon


Saturday, October 268 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, October 23 at 5 p.m.$50 for Campus Rec members.
Mount Jefferson Backpacking
Medium difficulty level icon


Saturday-Sunday, November 2 - 38 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, October 30 at 5 p.m.$150 for Campus Rec members.
Hagg Lake Kayaking


Saturday, November 98 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, November 6 at 5 p.m.$50 for Campus Rec members.
Forest Bathing


Saturday, November 238 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, November 13 at 5 p.m.$40 for Campus Rec members.
Trailkeepers of Oregon Service Trip
Medium difficulty level icon


Saturday, November 238 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, November 20 at 5 p.m.FREE
Silver Star Mountain Day Hike
Medium difficulty level icon


Saturday, December 78 a.m. - 6 p.m.Wednesday, December 4 at 5 p.m.$40 for Campus Rec members.

How to Sign Up for a Trip

Sign up on the Member Portal or in person at the Outdoor Program office located at 505 SW Harrison Street. You will be asked to fill out a medical information form when you come into the office to sign up for a trip.

  • Trip Registration Opens: January 8, 2024 at 12 p.m. 
  • Trip Registration Closes: Tuesday before the trip date, or when the trip is full. View the trip dates on the Member Portal to sign up and check the number of available spots. 

Trip Details

  • Prices vary based on the trip, and include all of the gear and instruction that you need to have a fun outdoor adventure.
  • All skill and experience levels are welcome. 
  • We can accommodate up to nine participants for all trips. Be sure to register early to secure your spot!
  • Transportation and equipment is provided. 
  • View upcoming trip descriptions below.
  • For information on trip refunds, visit our Policies webpage.

Required Pre-Trip Meeting

All participants are required to attend the pre-trip meeting, which will take place in person at the Outdoor Program office at 5 p.m. on the Wednesday before each trip. During the pre-trip meeting, participants will meet the rest of the group, learn more about the trip, review COVID-19 safety procedures, and have the opportunity to ask questions of the trip leaders. 

Accommodations & Gear

Most Outdoor Program trips can be easily modified to accommodate disabilities. Please contact the Outdoor Program for more information. Hiking gear—including boots, rain gear, and backpacks—is available at no cost, and will be discussed during the pre-trip meeting. The Outdoor Program offers Columbia rain apparel for all trip participants in an effort to make getting outdoors accessible to everyone regardless of ability to procure expensive gear.

Participants are required to bring their own lunch or snacks and water for guided trips.

Student Vet Outdoor Fund

Current PSU students that are registered with the Veterans Resource Center receive a $50 credit each term to spend on renting outdoor gear or embarking on outdoor adventures. All regular rental and trip policies apply. For more information, please stop by the Outdoor Program office during business hours. *This opportunity is subject to fund availability and may change at any point.


For more information or if you have questions about our guided outdoor trips, please contact the Outdoor Program at 503-725-5668 or email Chris Bullard at bullard@pdx.edu.

Leave No Trace Principles

All trips led by the Outdoor Program follow the Leave No Trace principles, which provide a framework for minimizing our impact on the outdoors, and being responsible stewards of the land. Trip leaders educate participants on these principles, and demonstrate ways to minimize the impact outdoor recreation has on the environment. 

Outdoor Certification Courses

Campus Rec offers a variety of non-credit or credit optional instructional courses for its members that provide certification. If you have questions or need accommodations, please contact Chris Bullard at bullard@pdx.edu or 503.725.2957.

Wilderness First Responder Course

Saturday, March 23 - Sunday, March 31

Wilderness First Responder (WFR) is the definitive course in medical training for outdoor educators, guides, search and rescue (SAR) team members, and others who work or play in remote areas. The curriculum is comprehensive and practical, including all of the essential principles and skills required to assess and manage medical problems in isolated and extreme environments. 

This nine-day course will teach you to conduct a thorough physical exam, obtain a patient history, assess vital signs, provide emergency care in the wilderness, and make crucial evacuation decisions. You'll learn both in the classroom and in outdoor settings regardless of weather, so come prepared for wet, muddy, cold, or hot environments!


Wilderness First Responder Recertification (Recert) Course

Review, practice, and stay on top of your skills with this Wilderness First Responder (WFR) recertification course. This scenario-based approach to recertification provides you with the opportunity to test your skills against realistic situations. Over the course of three days, you'll practice and relearn wilderness medicine protocols, review evacuation and decision-making guidelines, and receive the latest updates in wilderness medicine. To enroll, please visit: https://nols.edu/portal/wmi/courses/21236/


Custom Outdoor Programs

Are you a part of a student organization, department or team at PSU? Looking for a team-building or bonding activity where you can have fun and be healthy? Campus Rec and Student Activities and Leadership Programs have opportunities for you and your team to engage in service-learning, explore the outdoors or try a new workout or activity.

Custom Trips

The Outdoor Program helps PSU students access and enjoy the outdoors. One of the primary ways the Outdoor Program has done this is through outdoor trips led by student trip leaders at affordable prices. A trip of this nature allows members of a club, program, or group to have an experience in common that helps bring them together. 

The Outdoor Program has a variety of options to choose from depending on the size of the group, the length of trip requested, and the budget you have available. Trip cost includes all the necessary equipment, experienced trip leaders, and transportation. Some examples include:

  • Small group (up to 9 people), one day: Standup paddling, whitewater rafting, rock climbing
  • Large group (up to 18 people), one day: day hikes, snowshoeing
  • Multi-day trips: backpacking, sea kayaking, coastal camping, etc.

To get started, please contact Chris Bullard (bullard@pdx.edu) for more information. Due to the complexities of planning and staffing outdoor trips, the only way to guarantee availability is to set up the trip by Week 5 of the term prior to when you want the trip.