Staff Spotlight: Charlotte Kline

Motivating and Leading Others Into Action

Image of Charlotte Kline.
Image of Charlotte Kline.

Charlotte Kline is a junior at PSU, majoring in business finance with a double minor in communications and Spanish. In addition to her studies, Charlotte has a passion for exercise that has led to her involvement in many aspects of the Campus Rec community. Charlotte is Campus Rec’s Group X Student Coordinator, a Group X Instructor, a member of PSU’s Lifting Club, and she is even enrolled in Campus Rec’s personal training certification course offered this term. 

Born in Olympia, WA, Charlotte grew up in a close-knit family where communal dinners were a staple and family activities always involved exercise or being outdoors. Her favorite memories include camping, snowboarding and skiing. Living and travelling between Portland and Seattle, Charlotte became familiar with both cities. She always knew that she wanted to attend Portland State because of the accessible layout of the city and the university’s emphasis on urban life. 

Charlotte is grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the PSU community and “a part of the real world.” She began her journey at Campus Rec in February 2020. Although she has always been passionate about exercise, she never saw herself as a fitness instructor. That is until one of her hometown fitness instructors encouraged her to pursue it. Charlotte decided to challenge herself and take the Group X Fitness Instructor (GFIT) course that Campus Rec offers. After completing the GFIT course, she became a Group X instructor for Campus Rec, and later moved into a leadership role as Group X Student Coordinator in the summer of 2020.

Charlotte works alongside her co-coordinator Addie, and the two enjoy a supportive working relationship. Charlotte reveals that communication skills and inclusion are two of the most important things that working at Campus Rec has taught her. She demonstrates inclusion as a fitness instructor by always considering different ways of teaching that accommodate a variety of learning styles. In addition to communicating with participants, Charlotte has learned how to communicate in a team environment. Her favorite part about working at Campus Rec is getting to have fun, be herself, and connect with her coworkers! She enjoys teaching others how to do something new, and seeks to remind Group X participants that, “We’re all in this together.” 

Charlotte hopes to continue developing and growing as a leader, and to learn how to better support people. She gives a shout-out to her supervisor, Erin Bransford, who has been an integral part of her leadership development.

“I admire her leadership style because of her ability to always see the potential in everyone,” Charlotte says of Bransford.

Charlotte is a dedicated leader on the Campus Rec team and we are lucky to have her. Her advice for fellow student employees is just as motivational as her words of encouragement during Group X classes.

“You are capable beyond what you may think and even when you don’t believe in yourself, your Campus Rec community believes in you and wants to see you succeed!” 

Thank you for your hard work and dedication, Charlotte! We are looking forward to seeing you back at the Rec. Be sure to say hi to Charlotte if you see her around.

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