Alumni Spotlight: Saleh Alzughaibi

Photographer, Filmmaker & VIP

A photo of Saleh Alzugahibi in a graduation cap and gown posing with a smile in front of a body of water.
Saleh Alzughaibi, Campus Rec Alum & VIP Award Winner

Saleh Alzughaibi is a filmmaker from Saudi Arabia. He graduated from Portland State University in the spring of 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in arts and letters and a double minor in film studies and arts practice. During his time at Portland State, he enjoyed building his professional gallery and practicing acquired skills in his role as a Photo & Video Production Specialist on Campus Rec’s marketing team. Saleh appreciated the inclusive environment and creative freedom that Campus Rec offers. 

“I am grateful for the opportunity to widen my horizons being in such a wonderful and accepting environment,” he explained. “Campus Rec feels like the place to break out of social norms and rules and be freed.”

While working at Campus Rec, Saleh dived into projects without hesitation, and was always willing to help wherever was needed. He went above and beyond in all that he did, whether he was taking photos at an event, collecting and editing footage for a promotional video, or creating high-quality virtual content including Group X fitness videos and Thrive X wellbeing videos. 

“For me, it feels like a place to socialize even when I am on shift,” said Saleh. “I am constantly meeting amazing people, enjoying Campus Rec events and activities, and learning new experiences as I go.” 

According to Saleh, if you are passionate about what you study, you can go as far as you want in life. 

“Being passionate about film and photography is the single most effective driving force to learn and work!” Saleh shared. 

Without a doubt, Saleh is a VIP! Thank you, Saleh, for all of your hard work and dedication to Campus Rec, and congratulations on your graduation!

Each year, Campus Rec gives out awards to outstanding student employees who have gone above and beyond. The VIP Award recognizes employees who are the backbone of Campus Rec. This year, Saleh Alzughaibi won a VIP Award for his exceptional work and dedication as a Photo & Video Production Specialist on Campus Rec’s marketing team.