Alumni Spotlight: Hayley Stafford

First-Generation Graduate with a Passion for Helping Others

The image is a headshot of Hayley Stafford.


From Hillsboro, Oregon, Hayley chose Portland State because it was close to home and offered a psychology major with a focus on race and social justice. Hayley graduated in the spring of 2020 with a bachelor’s in psychology, and became the first member of her family to graduate from a four-year university.  

"All my life I've wanted to help people, and my mom always pushed me to continue my education after high school," Hayley explains. “Those two factors pushed me to apply at Portland State, so I’d be close to home and in the heart of a city that I love so much.”

Hayley has worked at Campus Rec for the last two years at the Member Services desk. She got involved in Member Services because she knew she would have the most exposure to people in that role, and had an inkling that she would be able to help the most people there.

“I love the inclusive nature of Campus Rec,” Hayley shares. “I like being a part of a facility and staff that welcomes everyone, no matter their race, ethnicity, orientation, and ability.”

Working at Member Services, you are the first face members see when they walk into the building. With help from employees like Hayley, members feel more welcome and comfortable when arriving at Campus Rec. Hayley was able to build connections with members and other employees, and strived to help others in any way that she could. 

"I like that I've met so many interesting people at the front desk in Member Services,” Hayley says. “A challenge that I had was getting over my intense shyness. That being said, I was able to overcome that, in part, thanks to Campus Rec!"

Hayley’s advice for PSU students is to do what’s best for you and what makes the most sense for you ─ professionally, educationally, and personally. She plans to take a gap year before returning to school to pursue a master's degree in marriage and family counseling. Hayley has put in so much time and dedication into her job at Campus Rec, and we can't wait to see where her future takes her. Thank you, Hayley, and congratulations on your graduation!

Each year Campus Rec gives out awards to outstanding student employees who have gone above and beyond. The VIP Award recognizes employees who are the backbone of Campus Rec. This year, Hayley Stafford received a VIP Award for her fantastic work at Member Services.