Fat-Positive Climb Night


PSU Climbing Center Third Floor of the Rec Center

Cost / Admission



503-725-5668 | nclaire@pdx.edu

Join us at Campus Rec for the Fat-Positive Climb Night. This event is geared towards climbers in larger bodies, though all bodies and skill levels are welcome! It doesn't matter if you are brand new to climbing or climb every day, this space is for you to make new friends, find a climbing partner, or just learn a thing or two about climbing.
No previous experience or registration required. Drop in anytime during the event, or arrive at 5 p.m. for a welcome, introductions, and an overview of the space.

Prior to using the Climbing Center, you must watch the Climbing Center orientation video and pass the climbing quiz at Member Services. Stop by the Equipment Check-Out desk next to Member Services to check out a climbing wristband and some climbing shoes before the event. Gear rental is free! Learn more on the Climbing Center webpage. If you need accommodations please email Jess Wiercx: jwiercx@pdx.edu.

Two people belaying on the rock wall