Student Parent Alumni

Portland State University Park Blocks sign

The Resource Center for Students with Children is partnering with the University Career Center to host a facilitated discussion on  Tuesday 2/15/22 from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm via zoom about the transition from college to the professional world for students with children. This event will serve as an opportunity for current students with children to learn from recently graduated student parents through conversation around creating a professional support system, developing transferable skills, and the role of resiliency and community in your career path. 

We are looking for recently graduated students with children to serve as panelists and share their experiences with these topics. The time commitment is 90 minutes during the event and 30 to 60 minutes prior to the event for planning and developing the discussion questions with the other panelists.

This is a paid opportunity - panelists can earn $50 for sharing their time and experience!   Interested folks can email us at