Faculty Resources

Faculty, please consider adding the following to your syllabi: 


Title IX requires faculty and staff to inform students of the assistance offered through Title IX and to provide Title IX contact information to students who disclose their pregnancy. Students may not choose to disclose their pregnancy, postpartum, or parenting status to faculty due to potential bias, therefore, adding Title IX information within a syllabus is practicable. 


As mandated by Title IX, Portland State University does not discriminate against any student on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions. Students who require temporary modifications due to their pregnancy or related condition(s) will be provided with reasonable modifications to protect their health and educational access. For assistance with modifications, lactation breaks/space, discrimination issues, or other related needs, contact the Office of the Dean of Student Life via phone (503) 725-4422 or email askdoslife@pdx.edu."

Maintain a “zero tolerance” policy for discriminatory or disparaging comments and behaviors. Make it clear that such hostility is unacceptable and constitutes harassment based on sex.


In advising students, communicate that the student’s educational choices are their own. Don’t make assumptions about a student based on family status, health, gender, pregnancy, or marital or parental status.  


Communicate clearly that a student will not be penalized for taking medically necessary leave related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related condition (or for taking leave pursuant to PSU’s maternity or disability leave policy.


In addition to these Title IX requirements, SSWC also hopes that you respect parents' childcare needs at all stages of development and have language in your syllabus that  promotes flexibility and understanding of the many demands placed on parenting and caregiving students. SSWC will work to advocate on behalf of students with caregiving responsibilities in order to ensure academic success, retention, and degree completion. 

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