Faculty research interests in Geographic Information Science include design and automation of GIS databases; thematic data extraction from remotely sensed data, spatial and statistical analysis of geographic data; cartographic design and visualization of spatial information; and the development of spatial decision support systems in applications that include emergency response, natural resources management, hydrological modeling, land use and land-cover change, and geographic education.

GIS students engaging with computer

Center for Spatial Analysis and Research (CSAR)

CSAR serves researchers and organizations in the greater Portland area for projects involving four broad areas of expertise: Cartography, GIS, Remote Sensing, and Geography Education. 

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of one's sex or gender, which includes sexual harassment. Portland State University's Title IX Coordinator is Julie Caron, 503.725.4410, titleixcoordinator@pdx.edu. PSU's Title IX Deputy Coordinator is Yesenia Gutierrez: 503.725.4413, yesenia.gutierrez.gdi@pdx.edu. The Title IX Coordinators can assist you with addressing any concerns or in filing an internal complaint through the Office of Equity and Compliance.

If you have questions about filing a complaint with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights (OCR) you may contact the Western Region’s office at 206-607-1600 or ocr.seattle@ed.gov.

Information regarding NASA-funded nondiscriminatory policies, and how to make a complaint with NASA, can be found in the NASA MissionSTEM brochure.