Cramer Hall 469 Lab

Use of the lab is limited to students enrolled in 400/500-level Geography Techniques classes.

There are other computer labs on campus with ArcGIS software. GIS software is also available in the PSU Virtual Computer Lab.

Cramer Hall 475 Lab

Available to anyone taking a Geography class during regular office hours Monday through Thursday.

Geography Lab Rules

  • Use of both labs is limited to work for Geography classes only.
  • Be respectful to other users.
  • No inappropriate use of the internet.
  • No food or drink.
  • No printing of personal material.
  • No excessive printing.
  • Back up important files to portable media regularly - the Geography Department is not responsible for any data lost from the lab computers.
  • Personal files will be removed from the computers at the end of each term.
  • Please help keep the lab clean, cleaning supplies are available in the Geography Department.
  • The door of CH 469 should remain closed at all times unless there is an instructor or teaching assistant present.
  • The door of CH 475 should be closed if nobody is using it. The last person out should make sure it is secured.