All Services

For All Veterans and Military-Affiliated Students!

Center Offerings

Help with Resources

The VRC's Hardship Fund

Micro Food Pantry

Center Services

Mind-Spa Reservation

Conference Room Reservation

General School Resources

Help with Resources

Person Studying

Hardship Fund

Open to all Veterans who are experiencing financial hardship that impacts their education. Our Hardship fund provides micro-grants between $50 and $200! Please apply even if you need more than $200, and we'll see how we can help. 

Please note that it will take about a week to receive funds after approval.

VRC's Food Pantry

Food Pantry

Our micro-food pantry, located in the back room of our center, is an unmonitored, non-tracked resource for all who need it! Open Monday - Friday, 9 am - 5pm.  

Center Services

VRC Mind Spa

Come visit our Mind Spa!

Everyone who utilizes the VRC as a place to study, relax, and get information can reserve our mind-spa! Currently, it features a lovely fountain, Vitamin D therapy lamps, yoga equipment, and dimmable lights. Located inside the VRC.

VRC Conference Room

Reserve our conference room! 

While it's always open for drop-ins, if you need to ensure you will have access to the room for a set amount of time we recommend reserving the space! Currently, the room features a large monitor set up with a camera and mic for online meetings, a wall-to-wall whiteboard, and a table that can hold up to 10 people.

Coming soon: Noise-canceling panels!