Info for Faculty


PSU has been welcoming older adults to audit classes on a tuition-free basis since the 1970’s, decades before this privilege became a state mandate. In 2010, Oregon House Bill 2011 was passed, requiring state institutions of higher education to waive tuition for any course audited by Oregon residents 65 years of age or older, if space is available and the instructor approves. The Senior Adult Learning Center (SALC) administers the program at PSU. SALC’s costs are covered by charitable donations from senior auditors and by in-kind contributions from PSU’s Institute on Aging.

Guidelines for admitting auditors

You can decide whether or not to accept a senior auditor into your courses, or decide to limit the number of senior auditors you accept. You are not required to read or grade exams or papers from senior auditors, or to allow senior auditors to participate in classroom discussions.

Guidelines for classroom participation by auditors

The SALC office has established guidelines for classroom participation by senior auditors and regularly disseminates this information to both new and continuing auditors.

You are free to develop your own guidelines you want senior auditors to follow, and you are encouraged to communicate these preferences to senior auditors on the first day of class.

How senior auditors register

Class registration for senior auditors is handled completely online.

To enroll in a class, senior auditors must first contact you, the instructor, via email to request permission to audit. Auditors have been instructed to contact instructors no earlier than the first day of non-degree student registration, which can be found in the academic calendar. This is to ensure that space is available as most enrolled students interested in taking your class will have registered by this time.

Auditors then forward your approval, if you grant it, to the SALC office. After reviewinig the registration request, we send them on to the Registration Office for manual entry. Once registration is complete, the names of senior auditors will appear on your class roster.

Faculty representation at SALC

The SALC Advisory Council is a volunteer group of senior auditors and faculty representatives whose role is to provide guidance and program support to enhance the auditing experience for both senior auditors and faculty members. Council members hold three-year appointments and meet quarterly.

The two faculty positions on the Council currently are held by:

  • Elizabeth Ceppi- Professor of Literature, Department of English
  • John Ott - Professor and Chair, Department of History

If you have questions

SALC staff members are available to answer questions and provide information about the auditing program. They can also help faculty members with any issues or concerns regarding auditors. Contact SALC

Faculty Quotes: What's it like to have SALC auditors in your class?

"Senior auditors are usually more emotionally balanced, efficient with time and organized than regular students. They seem to have a clear understanding of what they want and how to get there. They also bring a sense of discipline and focus. They already have had a career so they are in class with a genuine motivation to learn. They benefit the class as a whole in bringing many lessons they have learnt; they help traditional students by providing new ways to handle obstacles, criticism or problems. Their approach to learning and life in general can be usefully instructive to other students in the class.”

Professor Eva Nunez
World Languages and Literatures Dept
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Portland State University

"Senior auditors bring a wealth of personal and professional experience into the classroom. Their perspectives can inform class discussions in helpful ways and contribute to the range of voices students hear and learn from. Their professional work experiences can also add value to the classroom. Most importantly, in my view, they are modeling the benefits and pleasures of lifelong learning to our students by continuing their education at PSU and by demonstrating that curiosity never grows old."

Dr. John Ott 
Professor and Chair
Department of History
Portland State University

“I love having seniors in the class because they add experiences to the class that normal students do not have... They are curious and ask great questions! They do not add to my workload because they do not take tests and write papers. I teach my class in large lecture halls so they are never taking seats away from normal students. I have made many friends for life having had them in class. I love the concept of SALC and totally support the program."

Dr. Scott Burns
Professor Emeritus of Geology
Portland State University