Class Participation Guidelines for Senior Auditors

As a senior auditor, you are an ambassador for PSU's SALC program. Auditors enjoy the generous privilege of attending regular university classes at no cost, and they are expected to follow a few important guidelines:

1) Instructors have the discretion to limit the number of senior auditors in their classes, or they can choose to admit no auditors at all.

2) When you audit a class, the assumption is that you are there to listen. You are not expected to take part in class discussion (including online chat and discussion boards), to take tests, or to write papers. It is your responsibility to check with your instructor about the degree to which you are invited to participate in the class. Some instructors welcome auditor participation, particularly in some language, art, and music classes. But please ask first.

3) Tuition-paying students taking the class for credit always have the highest priority for the instructor’s attention. Show consideration by not dominating class discussions if you are invited by the instructor to participate.

4) Now that many classes are being taught remotely, with technology playing a larger role than ever before, senior auditors are responsible for familiarizing themselves with online learning platforms, especially PSU's Canvas (replacing D2L starting Winter Term 2022) and Zoom. Auditors should not contact their instructors with technology questions. PSU's Office of Information Technology (OIT) offers help online and by telephone.

5) It is important for auditors to demonstrate their courtesy and appreciation to instructors for opening their classes to SALC registrants. If you enjoy a class, let your instructor know. A thank-you note or email after the class has concluded is always welcome and greatly appreciated.