Master of Public Administration Program Details

Making a Difference Together Through Public Service

Earning a Master of Public Administration degree opens doors to a rewarding career dedicated to public service and community improvement. This degree equips you with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage public sector organizations, navigate complex policy environments, and lead initiatives that make a tangible difference in society. With a public administration degree, you'll gain expertise in organizational leadership, including: public policy analysis; budgeting; human resources; and organizational management; preparing you to tackle pressing social issues and drive meaningful change.

Whether you aspire to work in government, nonprofit organizations, or international agencies, PSU’s Master of Public Administration (MPA) empowers you to influence public policies, enhance community services, and contribute to the common good. Invest in your future and the future of your community by pursuing a Master of Public Administration degree.

Master of Public Administration Program Snapshot

54 Credits | Full-Time or Part-Time

A Curriculum Where You Learn By Doing
In the Master of Public Administration (MPA) curriculum, we seamlessly integrate theoretical knowledge with practical applications, providing you with essential insights into public and nonprofit leadership and management. During the program, you will participate in foundational courses in:

  • Public Administration / Public Policy
  • Administrative Ethics and Values
  • Administrative Theory and Behavior
  • Administrative Law and Policy Implementation
  • Public Budgeting / Financial Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Analytic Methods

Why the Master of Public Administration?

You’ll join a learning community of faculty and professionals who share your passion for leading meaningful social change and working for the common good.

Dedicated Faculty
PSU’s Department of Public Administration offers a faculty of dedicated professors and professional instructors who draw on the best of both theory and applied practice from the nonprofit and public sectors to help students lead for the common good.

Explore: Meet the Faculty

Hands-On Experience and Professional Connections
Portland State University’s motto is “Let knowledge serve the city.” The students and faculty in the MPA program are well-positioned to meet that charge with a strong focus on community-engaged learning opportunities across the curriculum. In addition, PSU’s Center for Public Service harnesses the power of the university’s faculty and students to provide support for Oregon’s public and nonprofit sector organizations.

Explore: The Center for Public Service

More Bang for Your Buck
PSU’s Public Administration Master's degree offers you a graduate education at a fair price. Based on 2024/2025 in-state tuition estimates, you will pay $477 per credit hour (plus fees) for your classes. If you are attending the program part-time (6 credits per quarter for 3 quarters), that comes to approximately $10,416 per year. If you are attending the program full-time (9 credits per quarter for 3 quarters), you’ll pay approximately $14,883 in tuition per year. That may seem like a lot, but other similar programs in the Portland area cost two or three times as much in tuition each year.

Explore: Tuition & Fees

A City and University Dedicated to Public Service
For those committed to public service and advancing the common good, Portland offers an exceptional environment. The City of Portland is known for its robust network of government agencies and public organizations, as well as a dynamic nonprofit sector. In addition, Portland is home to nationally recognized innovators in public policy and philanthropy. Portland State University has also earned national recognition for its steadfast dedication to fostering the common good through education, research, and community partnerships.

Master of Public Administration Program Details

Your coursework will focus on four core areas of study, will be rounded out with electives, and will end in a capstone experience. Visit our Degree Information page for the full degree requirements.

1. Substantive Core (30 credits)
These courses will provide you with a solid foundation to understand the unique role of the public sector in society and how government agencies and nonprofits can lead social change in today's world.

  • PA 511 Public Administration
  • PA 513 Administrative Ethics & Values 
  • PA 533 Public Policy: Origins and Processes
  • PA 534 Administrative Law
  • PA 540 Administrative Theory & Behavior 
  • PA 551 Analytic Methods in Public Administration I
  • PA 552 Analytic Methods in Public Administration II 
  • PA 582 Public Budgeting
  • PA 585 Financial Management in the Public Sector (or economics course approved by advisor)
  • PA 590 Human Resource Management in the Public Sector

2. Skill Development (15 credits)
These elective courses will give you the critical skills to address complex challenges effectively. 

  • PA 525 Grant Writing for Nonprofit Organizations
  • PA 549 Cross-Cultural Communication in the Public Sector
  • PA 554 Policy Analysis Research 
  • PA 555 Program Evaluation and Management
  • PA 556 Public Contract Management
  • PA 558 Managing Public Projects and Programs

3. Field of Specialization (9 credits)
Our specialization options allow you to hone your abilities in a 15-credit area focus of your choice. Visit the MPA Specializations page for more information on the four fields of Specialization:

  • Global Leadership
  • Local Government
  • Natural Resources
  • Nonprofit Management

Global Leadership and Management

Required courses:
PA 514 Global Leadership and Management
PA 542 Sustainable Development Implementation

Choose three courses from the following:
PA 523 Nongovernmental Organizations: Nonprofits on the World Stage
PA 544 International Field Experience (e.g. Cuba, Vietnam, Japan)
PA 549 Cross-Cultural Communications in the Public Sector
PA 558 Managing Public Projects and Programs
PA 565 Natural Resources Policy and Administration

Local Government

Required courses:
PA 560 Local Government Administration
PA 561 Intergovernmental Relations

Choose three courses from the following:
PA 519 Civic Capacity
PA 542 Sustainable Development Implementation
PA 545 Organization Development
PA 546 Supervision in the Public Sector
PA 564 Issues in Environment Policy and Administration
PA 583 Advanced Budgeting Concepts and Techniques
PA 593 Civil Rights for Public Managers

Natural Resources Policy and Administration

Required courses:
PA 564 Issues in Environmental Policy and Administration
PA 565 Natural Resources Policy and Administration

Choose three courses from the following:
PA 539 National Policy Process
PA 542 Sustainable Development Implementation
PA 567 Energy Resources Policy and Administration
PA 570 Environmental and Natural Resources Leadership
PA 574 Food and Agricultural Policy

Nonprofit Management

Required courses:
PA 521 History and Foundations of the Nonprofit Sector
PA 522 Governance of Nonprofit Organizations
PA 524 Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations (*Substitute for PA 585)
PA 528 Leadership for the Nonprofit Sector

Choose one course from the following:
PA 523 Nongovernmental Organizations: Nonprofits on the World Stage
PA 538 Advocacy and Political Participation by Nonprofit Organizations 


4. Diversity (3 credits)*
Learning about diversity fosters understanding, promotes inclusivity, and enriches perspectives, ultimately leading to stronger communities and organizations. At some point within their program of study students must satisfactorily complete one course that includes diversity as one of its primary learning and focus areas:

  • PA 514 Global Leadership and Management
  • PA 523 Nongovernmental Organizations: Nonprofits on the World Stage
  • PA 544 International Experience (e.g. Cuba, Vietnam, Japan)
  • PA 549 Cross-cultural Communications in the Public Sector
  • PA 594 Enhancing Diversity in the Workplace

*The Diversity course can also count towards a Skill or Specialization course.

The MPA Capstone (3 credits)
Your program of study will culminate in a community-based capstone project we refer to as an Organizational Experience (PA 509). This is an opportunity for you to solidify what you’ve learned throughout the program with a hands-on project aimed at helping a government agency or nonprofit organization build its capacity.

Optional Certificates
You can also complement your Master's in Public Administration by adding an optional certificate to your program of study. Complementing your MPA degree with any of the following certificate specializations will add depth to your knowledge and skill set. Certificate credits can be applied to your MPA Electives. Please visit the links below for additional information and if this interests you, please discuss it with your faculty advisor.

• Collaborative Governance Online Graduate Certificate
• Energy Policy and Management Graduate Certificate


  1. Articulate and exemplify the ethics, values, responsibilities, obligations and social roles of a member of the public service profession.
  2. Identify and apply relevant theories and frameworks to the practice of public service leadership, management and policy.*
  3. Respond to and engage collaboratively with diverse local and global cultures and communities to address challenges in the public interest.
  4. Identify and engage with the key elements of the public policy process.
  5. Employ appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques to investigate, monitor and manage resource use.**
  6. Create and manage systems and processes to assess and improve organizational performance.
  7. Conceptualize, analyze, and develop creative and collaborative solutions to challenges in public service leadership, management and policy.
  8. Assess challenges and explore solutions to advance cross-sectoral and inter-jurisdictional cooperation in public programs and services.
  9. Demonstrate verbal and written communication skills as a professional and through interpersonal interactions in groups and in society.
  10. Think critically and self-reflectively about emerging issues concerning public service leadership, management and policy.

*Theories and frameworks could include economic, financial, legal, organizational, political, social, and/or ethical approaches.
**Resource use could include human, fiscal, technologic, information, physical, and/or other resources.