
Making a difference

As students learn throughout their graduate academic career, and especially in their foundational courses, public administration jobs have an enormous range of opportunity and application.

In fact, there’s a wide variety of jobs—inside and outside of nonprofit and grassroots efforts and public sector organizations at the local, state, national and global level. A graduate public administration degree is a professional credential for those interested in the kinds of careers where you can:

  • Do something meaningful every day to help communities and community members
  • Get involved in making communities safer, more inclusive, involved in change efforts
  • Conduct investigations and analyze data
  • Advocate for families and diverse / all members of our communities
  • Join the search for effective solutions to public problems
  • Take action against unethical behavior
  • Help community members with everything from accessing needed resources to enjoying healthy parks
  • Work with public and nonprofit organizations that work daily for prosocial community change
  • Hone your ethical lens to fight corporate crime and environmental injustice
  • Stand up for those mistreated by our public and nonprofit organizations
  • Develop and test out new ways of responding to ongoing public challenges
  • Invest your time and energy in a rewarding job that makes a difference

Professions in the public administration field fall into multiple job classifications including leadership and management of cities and nonprofit / NGO organizations, regulation, analysis, human and social services careers, law and legal jobs, public policy positions, and private business and industry opportunities, such as those focusing on ports, cities, global impacts of climate change, risk assessment and risk mitigation. 

Career Opportunities

What are my career opportunities with a Public Administration degree? Here are some potential careers:

  • Policy Analyst
  • Public Administrator
  • Nonprofit Executive Director
  • Researcher / Academic
  • Government Advisor
  • Policy Specialist
  • Human Rights Advocate
  • Community Development Officer
  • Consultant (Nonprofit / Government)