Academic Program Revitalization update: Data team convenes this week


Dear Colleagues,


We have been thinking about you and hope you are enjoying the summertime here in Oregon. Although most of our faculty are not on contract during the summer months, we appreciate that many of you are staying in touch for updates on our summer progress in  completing our strategic plan and continuing the work of revitalizing Portland State’s academic portfolio to better serve our students. We understand how important this is to you; it is important to us as well.


In June, we outlined the process to thoroughly examine our programs in a message to faculty and staff, titled “Summer Work: Enhancing the Sustainability of PSU’s Academic Programs.” We are engaging in this effort to ensure the university’s financial sustainability and strengthen pathways for our region’s learners to achieve their educational goals. PSU has a vital role to play in our region as a hub for education, innovation and culture. We must stay focused on how we can support our students and our community in the highest and best way possible.


This week, the Academic Program Revitalization Summer Data Analysis Team will convene for four days to validate data and develop methods and metrics to evaluate all undergraduate and graduate majors offered at PSU based on mission and strategic alignment, market assessment, academic results and economic contribution. Participants on this team include members of the Executive Leadership team, Faculty Senate leadership, and faculty representatives from each college and from AAUP. The full list of participants is on the new Program Revitalization webpage, which will be updated throughout the process.


We have received questions and heard your concerns and want to make it clear that we will not make any decisions about programs this summer. The data team’s work is to validate the data and design a process that will engage the campus community in an informed, broad conversation about our institutional values and strengths, and the vitality of the programs in our academic portfolio. For a deeper understanding of what we intend to accomplish this week, please refer to the agenda.


Our campus conversations will begin in September with an Open House on Thursday, Sept. 19 where anyone can drop in for an opportunity to look at the data and metrics available for program assessment. Then on Wednesday, Sept. 25, there will be a half-day workshop that includes discussions about each program’s dashboard and feedback opportunities. Invitations to these events and an opportunity to RSVP will be sent in early September.


We are grateful to all the team members for dedicating their time to work together to create the PSU that can best serve our students in the future. The participants who are typically not under contract during August are being compensated for their time. We look forward to discussing the data and metrics and the path forward with you next month. 




Ann E. Cudd

PSU President


Shelly Chabon, PhD.

Interim Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs

Academic Program Revitalization update: Data team convenes this week