Program Details | Physics BA/BS

In addition to meeting all university requirements for the bachelor's degree, the following outlines the requirements for the BA/BS degree in Physics. Students will choose from either the standard, environmental, biomedical or engineering physics option, which provides the flexibility to take courses that best fit your interests and career goals:

  • Standard Option: Standard physics gives a strong background in physics. Courses focus on force and motion, heat, optics, electricity, magnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, and the physical properties of materials, learning both the theoretical and the experimental aspects. The standard option is for student who pursue a traditional physics undergraduate degree towards graduate programs and careers in physics, engineering, and related physical sciences.
  • Environmental Option: Environmental physics explores the measurement and analysis of interactions between organisms and their environment. Courses include physics courses and electives from biology, chemistry, geology, geography, and environmental science and management. The environmental physics track is designed for students who wish to pursue graduate studies or careers in atmospheric, climate and geophysical sciences, energy science, and green technology. 
  • Biomedical Option: Biomedical physics focuses on the application of physics concepts, theories, and methods to medicine and healthcare. Courses include Physics in Biomedicine and Radiation Therapy Physics, as well as electives from biology and chemistry. The biomedical option is for students who want to enter a professional career in biophysics, biomedical engineering, medical physics, or the healthcare field. 
  • Engineering Option: Engineering physics is intended for students who plan to work in engineering and applied physics fields in high-tech industries. Courses include physics courses and electives from computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.

It is important that students planning to major in physics contact the Department of Physics prior to the start of their work in order that a coherent program can be planned with their assigned adviser.

Students planning to transfer to PSU from community colleges or other universities are strongly advised to contact the Department of Physics well ahead of their proposed date of transfer so that a smooth transition, which avoids course duplication and untimely delays, can be accomplished. 

Standard Option

Course Number and TitleCredits
Ph 201 General Physics I4
Ph 202 General Physics II4
Ph 203 General Physics III4
Ph 211 General Physics (with Calculus) I  4
Ph 212 General Physics (with Calculus) II4
Ph 213 General Physics (with Calculus) III4
Ph 221 General Physics (with Calculus) I  3
Ph 222 General Physics (with Calculus) II3
Ph 223 General Physics (with Calculus) III3
Ph 214 Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 2311
Ph 215 Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 2321
Ph 216 Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 2331
Ph 311 Introduction to Modern Physics I4
Ph 312 Introduction to Modern Physics II 4
Ph 314 Experimental Physics I 4
Ph 315 Experimental Physics II 4
Ph 316 Experimental Physics III 4
Ph 322 Computational Physics 4
Ph 424 Classical Mechanics I 4
Ph 426 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics4
Ph 431 Electricity and Magnetism I4
Mth 251 Calculus I 4
Mth 252 Calculus II 4
Mth 253 Calculus III 4
Mth 254 Calculus IV 4
Mth 256 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations4
Mth 261 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4
One year of general chemistry: 
Ch 221 General Chemistry I4
Ch 222 General Chemistry II4
Ch 223 General Chemistry III4
Ch 227 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 228 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 229 General Chemistry Laboratory1
At least two of the following courses: 
Ph 411 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics4
Ph 412 Quantum Mechanics II4
Ph 425 Classical Mechanics II4
Ph 432 Electricity and Magnetism II4
Ph 434 Methods of Mathematical Physics4
Ph 464 Applied Optics4
Two courses in a related area of science or technology (minimum 6 credits total): 
biology, geology, chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, or physics6

Total Credit Hours:


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Environmental Option

Course Number and TitleCredits
Ph 201 General Physics I4
Ph 202 General Physics II4
Ph 203 General Physics III4
Ph 211 General Physics (with Calculus) I  4
Ph 212 General Physics (with Calculus) II4
Ph 213 General Physics (with Calculus) III4
Ph 221 General Physics (with Calculus) I  3
Ph 222 General Physics (with Calculus) II3
Ph 223 General Physics (with Calculus) III3
Ph 214 Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 2311
Ph 215 Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 2321
Ph 216 Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 2331
Ph 311 Introduction to Modern Physics I4
Ph 312 Introduction to Modern Physics II 4
Ph 314 Experimental Physics I 4
Ph 322 Computational Physics 4
Ph 426 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics4
Ph 431 Electricity and Magnetism I4
Ph 471/ESM 471 Physical and Human Dimensions of Climate Change4
Mth 251 Calculus I 4
Mth 252 Calculus II 4
Mth 253 Calculus III 4
Mth 254 Calculus IV 4
Mth 256 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations4
Mth 261 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4
Stat 451 Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists I4
One year of general chemistry: 
Ch 221 General Chemistry I4
Ch 222 General Chemistry II4
Ch 223 General Chemistry III4
Ch 227 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 228 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 229 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Choose two of the following courses: 
Ph 315 Experimental Physics II4
Ph 316 Experimental Physics III4
Ph 411 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics4
Ph 424 Classical Mechanics I4
Ph 432 Electricity and Magnetism II4
Ph 434 Methods of Mathematical Physics4
Ph 464 Applied Optics4
Ph 473 Alternative Energies4
Ph 490 Cellular and Molecular Biophysics4
Choose 12 credits of electives from the following: 
Bi 211 Principles of Biology: Biology of Cells4
Bi 212 Principles of Biology: The biology of organisms4
Bi 213 Principles of Biology: Evolution and ecology of living organisms4
Bi 214 Principles of Biology Lab I1
Bi 215 Principles of Biology Lab II1
Bi 216 Principles of Biology Lab III1
Bi 357 General Ecology4
Bi 476 Population Ecology5
Ch 360U Origins of Life on Earth4
Ch 426 Instrumental Analysis4
Ch 427 Instrumental Analysis Laboratory4
CE 371 Environmental Engineering4
ESM 220 Introduction to Environmental Systems4
ESM 221 Applied Environmental Studies: Problem Solving4
ESM 222 Applied Environmental Studies: Policy Consideration4
ESM 320 Environmental Systems I    4
ESM 321 Environmental Systems II    4
ESM 322 Environmental Risk Assessment 4
ESM 324 Environmental Systems Laboratory II  2
ESM 460/CE 488 Air Quality4
G 322 Global Biogeochemical Cycles5
G 351 Introduction to Oceanography4
G 426 Numerical Modeling of Earth Systems with G 426L Lab for G 4264
G 434 Structural Geology and Tectonics5
G 458 Astrobiology4
G 462 Hillslope Materials and Processes4
G 476 Earthquake Geology4
Geog 310U/Sci 333U Climate and Water Resources4
Geog 311U Climatology4
Geog 312U/Sci 334U Climate Variability and Change4
Geog 314U Severe Weather    4
ME 320 Fluid Mechanics4
ME 415 Advanced Topics in Energy Conversion4
ME 426 Solar Engineering4
Ph 333U/Geog 333U Weather4

Total Credit Hours:


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Biomedical Option

Course Number and TitleCredits
Ph 201 General Physics I4
Ph 202 General Physics II4
Ph 203 General Physics III4
Ph 211 General Physics (with Calculus) I  4
Ph 212 General Physics (with Calculus) II4
Ph 213 General Physics (with Calculus) III4
Ph 231 General Physics I with Life Science and Medical Applications  4
Ph 232 General Physics II with Life Science and Medical Applications4
Ph 233 General Physics III with Life Science and Medical Applications4
Ph 214 Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 2311
Ph 215 Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 2321
Ph 216 Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 2331
Ph 311 Introduction to Modern Physics I4
Ph 312 Introduction to Modern Physics II 4
Ph 314 Experimental Physics I 4
Ph 316 Experimental Physics III4
Ph 322 Computational Physics 4
Ph 426 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics4
Required non-physics courses: 
Bi 211 Principles of Biology: Biology of Cells4
Bi 214 Principles of Biology Lab I1
Ch 221 General Chemistry I4
Ch 222 General Chemistry II4
Ch 223 General Chemistry III4
Ch 227 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 228 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 229 General Chemistry Laboratory1
Ch 334 Organic Chemistry I4
Ch 337 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I2
Mth 251 Calculus I 4
Mth 252 Calculus II 4
Mth 253 Calculus III 4
Mth 254 Calculus IV 4
Mth 256 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations4
Mth 261 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4
At least 12 credits of the following electives: 
a) Courses particularly recommended for pre-professionals in biophysics, biomedical engineering, medical physics: 
Ph 315 Experimental Physics II4
Ph 337 Physics in Biomedicine 4
Ph 411 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics4
Ph 424 Classical Mechanics I4
Ph 431 Electricity and Magnetism I4
Ph 432 Electricity and Magnetism II4
Ph 464 Applied Optics4
Ph 490 Cellular and Molecular Biophysics4
b) Courses particularly recommended for pre-health care professionals: 
Bi 212 Principles of Biology: The biology of organisms4
Bi 212 Principles of Biology: Evolution and ecology of living organisms4
Bi 215 Principles of Biology Lab II1
Bi 216 Principles of Biology Lab III1
Bi 301 Human Anatomy and Physiology4
Bi 302 Human Anatomy and Physiology4
Bi 303 Human Anatomy and Physiology4
Ch 335 Organic Chemistry II4
Ch 336 Organic Chemistry III4
Ch 338 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (nonmajors)4
Ph 337 Physics in Biomedicine4
Ph 490 Cellular and Molecular Biophysics4
Please see the undergraduate adviser to register for the following OHSU substitute courses: 
RDTT 331    Radiation Therapy Physics I3
RDTT 430    Radiation Therapy Physics II3

Total Credit Hours:


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Engineering Physics Option

Course Number and TitleCredits
Ph 201 General Physics I4
Ph 202 General Physics II4
Ph 203 General Physics III4
Ph 211 General Physics (with Calculus) I  4
Ph 212 General Physics (with Calculus) II4
Ph 213 General Physics (with Calculus) III4
Ph 214 Lab for Ph 201 or Ph 211 or Ph 221 or Ph 2311
Ph 215 Lab for Ph 202 or Ph 212 or Ph 222 or Ph 2321
Ph 216 Lab for Ph 203 or Ph 213 or Ph 223 or Ph 2331
Ph 311 Introduction to Modern Physics I4
Ph 312 Introduction to Modern Physics II 4
Ph 319 Solid State Physics for Engineering Students4
Ph 413 Introduction to Solid State Physics4
Ph 314 Experimental Physics I 4
Ph 315 Experimental Physics II 4
Ph 316 Experimental Physics III4
Ph 322 Computational Physics 4
Ph 426 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics4
Ph 431 Electricity and Magnetism I4
Mth 251 Calculus I 4
Mth 252 Calculus II 4
Mth 253 Calculus III 4
Mth 254 Calculus IV 4
Mth 256 Applied Ordinary Differential Equations4
Mth 261 Introduction to Linear Algebra 4
At least four of the following electives: 
Ph 401 Research4
Ph 402 Independent Study4
Ph 411 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics4
Ph 424 Classical Mechanics I4
Ph 432 Electricity and Magnetism II4
Ph 434 Methods of Mathematical Physics4
Ph 440 Physics of Solid State Devices 4
Ph 445 Microelectronic Device Fabrication I 4
Ph 464 Applied Optics4
Ph 481 Introduction to Nano(materials)-Science and –Engineering4
Ph 495 Materials Physics: Structure and Physical Properties of Ordered and Disordered Condensed Matter4
Three courses in a related area of science or engineering (minimum 9 credits): 
chemistry, computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, or statistics9-12

Total Credit Hours:


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