Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for May 3, 2021

Woman sits in front of sculptures


  1. Heejun Chang, geography faculty, and Yasuyo Makido, geography, co-authored a paper titled “Land Use Change, Extreme Precipitation Events, and Flood Damage in South Korea: A Spatial Approach,” published in Journal of Extreme Events.
  2. Stan Heister and Kristi Yuthas, business, published their open access chapter “How Blockchain and AI Enable Personal Data Privacy and Support Cybersecurity” in the volume “Blockchain Potential in AI,” published by IntechOpen. 
  3. Kimberly Kahn, psychology faculty, co-authored a report titled “Addressing the Inappropriate Use of Force by Police in the United States and Beyond: A Behavioral and Social Science Perspective” with the Police Violence Commission for the International Society for Research on Aggression.
  4. Jack Straton, physics and university studies faculty, had one of his photographs chosen to be part of the national joint show “Photography: Your Vision, Juried Exhibition” at D’art Gallery in Denver, Colorado, from April 8 through May 2.
  5. Eva Thanheiser, mathematics and statistics faculty, published “How Do I Know I Learned Something? Reflecting on Learning by Using Video-Recorded Interviews to Battle Hindsight (‘I-Knew-It-All-Along’) Bias” in Developing Mathematical Proficiency for Elementary Instruction.