Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for December 7, 2020

Two people read the back cover of a book at the Portland State University bookstore.


Every week during the academic year, Currently celebrates faculty and staff accomplishments, including appearances on panels, presentations, recent publications or performances, and research grants.

  1. Heejun Chang, geography faculty, co-authored “Socio-hydrology: An Interplay of Design and Self-organization in a Multilevel World,” published in Ecology and Society.
  2. Heejun Chang, geography faculty; Ashley Baker and Junjie Chen, geography graduate students; and Olyssa Starry, Honors College faculty, published an article titled “Seasonal Variation in Hydrologic Performance of Ecoroofs of Multiple Depths, A Case Study in Portland, Oregon, USA” in Urban Water Journal.
  3. Paul Collins, English faculty, published “A Quest to Discover America's First Science-Fiction Writer” in the New Yorker on Nov. 28.
  4. Walter Dawson, Institute on Aging, co-authored “The Necessity of Diplomacy in Brain Health” in The Lancet Neurology. 
  5. Safia Farole, political science faculty, published “Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict Reflects Unresolved Ethnic Tensions” in the Washington Post on Nov. 24.
  6. Brandon Reich, business faculty, published “An Appeal to Intimacy: Consumer Response to Platform‐appeal Fit on Social Media” in the Journal of Consumer Psychology.