Currently Accolades: Presented for October 25, 2021

Illustration of three ribbons


  1. Karen Cellarius and Aliza Tuttle, Regional Research Institute for Human Services, presented “How Intimate Partner Violence Factors into Suicide Risk” at the annual Conference of the Oregon Coalition Against Domestic & Sexual Violence on Sept. 28 and at the 2021 Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference on Oct. 12.
  2. Karen Cellarius and Kelly Hunter, Regional Research Institute for Human Services, presented “The ODHS Trauma Informed Care Initiative and Suicide Prevention in Child Welfare” at the 2021 Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference on Oct. 11.
  3. Annabelle Dolidon, world languages and literatures faculty, presented “Décentrement Narratif et Différance Antispéciste Dans Une Partie de chasse d'Agnès Desarthe,” at the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association annual conference on Oct. 16.
  4. Martin Lafrenz, geography faculty, Catherine De Rivera, environmental sciences and management faculty, Daniel Taylor Rodriguez, mathematics and statistics faculty, Jacob Schultz, graduate student, Lauren McKinney-Wise, graduate student, and Alana Simmons ’18, co-presented “A World Without Roads” at the International Conference on Ecology and Transportation in September.
  5. Marvin Washington, business faculty, presented the paper “The Influence of Commercial and Family Logics on Organizational Founding Attempts,” at the annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.