Student alumni photo

Valery Panov

Current Employment: Senior Financial Analyst at Nike
LinkedIn page:


Certification: Language Flagship Certified Global Professional with Distinction

Honors and Awards: Russian Overseas Flagship (2011-2012)

International Internship:
St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Domestic Internships: NBC Sochi Olympics (2014)

What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?
After graduating with a double major in Russian and International Business I plan to find a career with an International Corporation specializing in exports and imports.

What attracted you to RFP?
My interest to further pursue Russian on a superior level.

What’s the best aspect of being in RFP?
I find the best aspect of participating in RFPP is surrounding myself with Russian culture, whether it is conversing with my classmates or going to the Russian tea parties that are organized every Friday. Consistent participation with a “ Russian Surrounding” is very beneficial and entertaining.

Why is fluency in Russian important to you?
My family is my main motivator for sustaining my knowledge of Russian. However, attaining a degree in Russian along with my intended degree would open many career opportunities around the world.

Flagship student presents project