Photo of Flagship Student Headshot

Lyubov Polozova

PSU Russian Flagship Alumni

What do you plan to do with your fluency in Russian?
I hope to work in Russia after I attend graduate school. I am taking Russian courses and am in the Flagship program so that I can achieve a professional level of speaking. Because of my International Development major, I hope to find a job somewhere in social services and the development of child care or orphanages in Russia.

What attracted you to RFP?
I wanted to receive the highest level of Russian available at Portland State University. The study abroad for a year in St. Petersburg also seemed like an excellent opportunity to improve my speaking and to have a better knowledge of the modern Russian culture, as well as to be in an authentic classroom environment. The possibility of future work in a variety of different government agencies seemed like a good future career move and opportunity.

What’s the best aspect of being in RFP?
Speaking to students my age and being involved in activities such as tea drinking on Fridays! I have also made friends and really enjoy coming to class. I love that I receive much more criticism on my work than I do in my traditional American courses because it helps me become a better writer and speaker.

Why is fluency in Russian important to you?
It is important to me because I want to retain the knowledge I have of my first language, but also improve and be able to have an intelligent conversation. I often find it harder to write and to use correct grammar, so fluency in my writing by taking this class is something I hope to achieve.

Photo of Flagship Students in Classroom
  • BA International Development (2014)
  • BA Russian (2014)