Scholarships: Italian

Sons of Italy Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship supports U.S. citizens of Italian descent.

Sponsor: Sons of Italy Foundation
Available To: Undergraduate
Number of Awards: Varies
Amount: Varies
Renewable: No 
Deadline: March 7


You must meet the following requirements:

  • U.S. citizen or Green Card holder of Italian descent (at least one Italian or Italian-American grandparent)
  • Majoring or minoring in Italian in a four-year undergraduate program or a graduate program at an accredited academic institution


Your application must contain the following materials:

  • Completed online application
  • Official transcripts
  • Copies of official results from all standardized tests (ACT, SAT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, etc.) taken during the past 5 years
  • Current resume outlining extracurricular activities, work experience, volunteer service and honors, especially as they relate to Italian language, culture and heritage
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers, professors or educational administrators
  • 500-700-word essay in Italian on why learning Italian is important in today's world and how you plan to use your Italian language degree
  • Processing fee ($35)

Italian Benvenuti Club Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship supports students of Italian heritage.

Sponsor: Italian Benvenuti Club
Available To: Undergraduate
Number of Awards: Varies
Amount: Varies
Renewable: Yes
Deadline: April 30     


You must meet the following requirements:

  • This scholarship is open to incoming freshmen and current college freshmen going into their sophomore year.
  • Be accepted to an accredited institution of higher learning within or outside of the State of Oregon.
  • Submit official high school or college transcripts of attended classes through the month of December prior to the year the scholarship is awarded.
  • Have a 3.5 or above grade point average.
  • Be a resident of the State of Oregon and a United States citizen.
  • Be of “Italian American” decent with at least one ancestor that can be certified to have emigrated from Italy.
  • Submit two letters of recommendation from teachers or professors.
  • Submit a current resume outlining extracurricular activities, work experience and volunteer services.
  • Submit a 500-750 word essay related to how the Italian language, culture or heritage has had an impact on the applicant’s life and values.
  •  Extra consideration will be given to an applicant who attests on the application that he or she is the first in his or her family to attend college.

Former scholarship winners may apply in successive years if they continue to meet the criteria.


Your application must contain the following materials:

  • Completed online application
  • Current resume outlining extracurricular activities, work experience and volunteer services
  • 500-700-word essay in Italian on how the Italian language, culture or heritage has had an impact on your life and values
  • Two letters of recommendation from teachers or professors