Email Signature

To add a signature to your emails

From your PSU Gmail inbox, click on the Gear icon > See All Settings > General > Signature.  Create a new signature, or modify your existing signature to include any important information. This includes your name, professional title, school or college, and contact info. It's important that you include "Portland State University" in your signature in addition to the logo so that sight-impaired users can read it.

To add the PSU logo to your signature

Within the signature text box, click Insert Image icon > Upload > Web Address and paste in the following URL: and press select.

Once your signature has been updated

Adjust the "Signature defaults" as you prefer, and click Save Changes at the bottom of the settings page.

Your finished email signature may look something like this:

Firstname Lastname 
Professor, English Department 
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences 
Portland State University
Portland State University logo