Seeking Panelists for Black History Month Parenting Discussion

The RCSC is hosting an in-person event on February 2nd in honor of black history month in collaboration with the PIAA Student Center.  (Pacific Islander, Asian, and Asian American.)  This is a facilitated conversation on February 2, 11:30am-1:00pm for black parents and/or parents of black children.
We're looking for PSU students who would like to speak on our panel who identify as black and/or who are a parent or caregiver to black children.  Compensation is $50/person.  The time commitment is 90 minutes during the in-person event on campus and 30-60 minutes prior to the event for planning and discussion with the other panelists. If you're interested, please email with a short intro of yourself and an explanation of why you'd be a good fit for our panel.