Apply for Childcare Assistance This Summer

If you haven't already done so, please submit your JSCS Application for Summer 2022. You must be logged into your PSU Odin account to access it. It works best with PSU supported web browsers such as Google Chrome. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need assistance or have any questions. If you're unsure about your eligibility for Summer 2022, please review the following,

  1. PSU student-parents are eligible for the JSCS if they're registered for Summer 2022.

  2. PSU student-parents are eligible for the JSCS if they're not registered for Summer 2022, provided they meet the following criteria,

  3. Completed the prior Spring (2022) term,

  4. Are registered for the following Fall (2022) term, and

  5. The need for childcare, during the Summer period, directly relates to the advancement of their academic goals.

  6. Examples include, doing an internship, taking classes at a community college, or working to save money for or to afford the costs of higher education.

If you have questions Please call (503) 725-3218 or email