Currently Accolades: Published/Exhibited for May 17, 2021

Woman sits in front of sculptures

  1. Kimberly Kahn, psychology faculty, co-authored “Advancing Police Use of Force Research and Practice: Urgent Issues and Prospects,” published in Legal and Criminological Psychology.
  2. Maria Kapantzoglou, speech and hearing sciences faculty, Julie Esparza Brown, special education faculty, and Gerasimos Fergadiotis, speech and hearing sciences faculty, published “Code-Switching and Language Proficiency in Bilingual Children With and Without Developmental Language Disorder” in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
  3. Catherine McNeur, history faculty, published an essay titled “The Woman Who Solved a Cicada Mystery — but Got No Recognition” in Scientific American.
  4. Sally S. Mudiamu, Office of International Affairs’ International Partnerships and Initiatives director, published “The Missing Link in COIL” in the NAFSA’s International Educator.
  5. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, published a poem and essay titled “PARTICULATES//Tulips: (Or, Estimating Respiratory Effects of Ambient Air Pollution and COVID-19 Using a Policing-Climate Adjusted Hazard Function)” in Arts & Health supplement of Health Promotion Practice.
  6. Ryan Petteway, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health faculty, published a paper titled “Poetry as Praxis + ‘Illumination’: Toward an Epistemically Just Health Promotion for Resistance, Healing, and (Re)Imagination” in Arts & Health supplement of Health Promotion Practice.
  7. Mellie Pullman, business faculty, published the second edition of her book “Food Supply Chain Management: Building a Sustainable Future” by Routledge.
  8. Luis A. Ruedas, biology faculty, co-authored “Sex Chromosome Transformation and the Origin of a Male-Specific X Chromosome in the Creeping Vole,” published in the journal Science on May 7.
  9. Sonja Taylor, university studies, published the chapter “A Political Education in Community Wealth and Transformative Learning” in the book “Becoming: Transformative Storytelling for Education’s Future” from DIO Press.