Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yellow Streetcar in Park Blocks

When is a contract needed?

A PSU Contract is needed if any of the following apply: 

  • The vendor/ external party attaches any terms, conditions, or agreements to any documentation, a quote, or an invoice (an invoice with an interest term for late payment is also considered a contract).
  • The documentation, quote, or invoice requires a signature.
  • A PSU Department does over $50,000 worth of purchases in supplies/goods.

A Contract, Personal Services Contract (PSC), or Personal Services Invoice (PSI) is ALWAYS required for services. 

Who can sign a contract?

Only those with authorized signature authority can sign contracts and accept terms and conditions on behalf of PSU. See PSU’s Signature Authority & Delegation Policy to see who has signature authority for PSU.

Most contracts will need to be signed by a PSU Contract Officer. However, authorized and trained Senior Fiscal Officers (SFOs), as defined in the SFO Delegated Contract Procedure, have been granted authority to sign Catering, Event, Hotel and Resort, and Bus Charter contracts with a value of up to $15,000 in accordance with and subject to procedures established by Contracting and Procurement Services.

How do I submit my contract for review?

To submit a contract for review, send a copy of your contract and a contract cover sheet (if required) to In response, you will receive a confirmation email and your contract will be assigned a PSU Contract Number. 

Does my contract require a Contract Cover Sheet?

The Contract Cover Sheet is required for all Foundation, Grant and/or Federally Funded contracts. As well as all other contracts where PSU is purchasing goods or services except those contract types listed on the Contract Cover Sheet Procedures.

Can we pay for services upfront?

No, as a State of Oregon entity we may only pay for services rendered.

Can services commence prior to the execution of a contract? 

Services should never commence prior to the full execution of a contract. Whoever authorized services to commence without a contract could be held personally responsible for the payment of the services. 

Does CAPS sign Interdepartmental Contracts?

Internal agreements between Departments at PSU do not fall under CAPS area of responsibility. CAPS does not prepare, review, sign, or retain interdepartmental agreements. This includes agreements with the University Place Hotel.

What is the difference between the PSI and PSC? (Taken from our Procuring Professional Services page)

The PSI may be used:

  • For services costing $10,000 or less;
  • If total payments paid to the contractor by your Department in the calendar year does not exceed $10,000; AND
  • Where a single payment will be made after all services have been delivered.
  • The PSI CANNOT be used with foreign nationals/non-resident aliens

The PSC must be used:

  • For services costing greater than $10,000; 
  • If total payments paid to the contractor by your Department in the calendar year exceeds $10,000; 
  • Where multiple payments will be made; OR
  • To pay foreign nationals a.k.a “non-resident aliens”.

Can I use a PSC or PSI to pay a current/former PSU employee?

Per IRS and Union regulations in order to be paid on a PSI or PSC the individual:

  1. Must not be a current employee. Current PSU employees may not be paid on either a PSI or a PSC.
  2. Must not have been an employee in the same calendar year as the services that will be delivered. For example, if they were employed at any time in 2022 they cannot be paid as an independent contractor until 2023. 
  3. Must not be performing services that are the same or significantly similar to the work they performed while employed at PSU. You must contact HR about paying an individual with a wage agreement if the work they will complete is the same or significantly similar to the work they did as an employee at PSU. 

Can I use a PSC or PSI to pay a Student?

You can use either a PSC or a PSI to pay a student who is not a PSU employee so long as the student has not been an employee or work-study employee during the same calendar year that they will work as an Independent Contractor.

Can I use a PSC or PSI to pay a company that employs someone who works at PSU?

PSU can pay a company that employs someone who works at PSU so long as: 

  1. PSU is paying the company, not the employee, for the services. 
  2. The company is not providing the same services that the employee provides/provided to PSU. 
  3. The PSU employee and/or their relative has no financial interest in the company. 

PSU Employees must avoid all conflicts of interest and shall also strive to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. No PSU employee shall approve or recommend approval of a contract with an entity (person or company) in which they have a financial interest, or one in which a relative* has a financial interest. If such a situation arises, the PSU employee shall recuse themselves of any involvement in this contract or the selection of the Contractor.

*“Relative” includes spouse, children, parents, step-parents, stepchildren, brothers and sisters, half-brothers, half-sisters, brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law, fathers-in-law, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews.

What are the Solicitation Thresholds?

  • $50,000 or less: Direct Procurement – No solicitation process required, but a Contract is/may be required
  • $50,001 - $200,000: Informal solicitation process required - Request for Quote (RFQ)
  • Greater than $200,001: Formal solicitation process required - Request for Proposal (RFP)

* Uniform Guidance Solicitation Thresholds apply for Federally Funded Contracts.

When do I need to submit a Solicitation Request?

A Department may pay a vendor up to $50,000 without needing to go through the solicitation process. If your department plans to pay a vendor $50,001 or more, you must go through the solicitation process to pay for that vendor's goods or services. * Uniform Guidance Solicitation Thresholds apply for Federally Funded Contracts. To begin this process you must submit one of the following forms to our general inbox (