DA403 Data Mining

About This Course

The goal of data mining is to identify patterns and predict the outcome of strategic business decisions. This course provides an overview of how automated systems can extract the patterns concealed within massive data sets in order to forecast consumer behavior and help organizations make more informed choices. Instructors will discuss vital applications and implications of data mining for professionals in business contexts and provide participants with hands-on opportunities to work with the concepts.


Course Snapshot

The course is delivered remotely, with a blend of virtual live sessions and self-paced activities.

2 times per year (Winter and Summer)


One week with a 15-hour workload. Please check the schedule for live session dates and times.


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Group of 3 people smiling at their computers while working

Data Analytics

It is difficult to imagine today’s world without big data. More information is available than ever before, and understanding how to properly collect, evaluate, draw conclusions from, and apply data is critical for making informed business decisions. Professionals in all industries are increasingly using...

What You’ll Learn

Upon completion of this course, students will have gained the knowledge to:

  • Understand the objectives and benefits of data mining.
  • Become familiar with the wide range of applications of data mining and common data mining processes.
  • Apply different methods and algorithms of data mining.
  • Be aware of existing data mining software tools.
  • Appreciate the ethical considerations and risks of data mining.

Additional Information

A laptop is Microsoft Excel is required.

The Learning Environment

This course is delivered in a virtual format and combines lectures, discussions, and group activities. 

Other Courses in this Certificate Track

Enrolling in the full certificate program allows for more comprehensive learning in regard to data analytics.

Courses may be taken individually and in any order unless otherwise noted. Five courses are required to complete the certificate. If pursuing the certificate, all courses in the certificate program must be completed within three years. Visit the program page for a recommended sequence.