Year 1 - Strategy Formation

In year 1, we engage the PSU community and answer key questions that will help us build a foundation for our strategy.  

Affirm vision, mission, values: Where are we now compared to what we’ve articulated previously? How do we embed what the future needs from us in our plan?

Analyze the external market: What external factors are driving our environment and how do we expect them to change over the next 5 years?  What does this mean for how the university must change to meet the needs of the future?

Differentiate unique value propositions to Students and Other Stakeholders: How does PSU meet the needs of our students (practical, emotional, social) in ways that other options, such as attending different institutions or entering the workforce directly, cannot?  How does PSU meet the needs of faculty, staff, and community partners? What comparative advantages must we cultivate to achieve consistently superior performance?

Define PSU in 2030 and key milestones. How will PSU grow in impact and reputation if differentiated strengths are applied over time at scale, with time-bound metrics of progress and goal achievement? 

Identify and prioritize strategic imperatives: What is the set of large-scale actions that the PSU can pursue that bridge near-term current state performance and long-term vision targets?  

Year 2 - Strategy Implementation

In year 2, we will implement the strategy we’ve built together. 

Scope and model strategic initiatives: How do we translate our strategic intent into planning, action steps? What are the budget requirements? 

Align budget model to strategic priorities: How do we adjust our budget model to support our strategic priorities? 

Embed unit-level accountability: How do we embed strategic goals into unit plans, and how do we hold those units accountable?