Announcing the Committee on Socially Responsible Investment and Partnership

Announcing the Committee on Socially Responsible Investment and Partnership

Dear Campus Community,

Today I am announcing that at the start of the fall 2024 term, I will charge a Committee on Socially Responsible Investment and Partnership to examine PSU’s practices around investment and partnership and make recommendations to support and enhance alignment with our university’s mission and values.

In last week’s joint statement with the ASPSU President, I committed to working to address the issues raised in the ASPSU May 13 resolution. I believe this Committee on Socially Responsible Investment and Partnership is the correct next step in that work.

My intention is to broaden the conversation to ensure that decisions we make about investments, gifts, and partnerships are grounded in PSU’s values and take into account a full range of mission-aligned considerations.

I am taking this step in response to numerous conversations with students, faculty, alumni, funders and community members over the last month. I have taken to heart their counsel that we continue this important engagement in the context of a formal university committee rather than during an open-ended public forum. Thus, I am canceling the previously announced June 5 forum. We will continue our pause on accepting new gifts from Boeing while we give this group time to convene and offer their recommendations.

I will spend time over the summer refining the committee’s charge and finalizing its membership. At a minimum, the committee will include students, faculty, and board members of both PSU and the PSU Foundation. If you are interested in participating in the committee please send a message to

I am grateful to our entire PSU community, including ASPSU for their leadership, and PSU students for their activism. I look forward to moving forward together.


Ann Cudd
PSU President