Current Laboratory Members

Principle Investigator

Dr. Jason E. Podrabsky

  • Interim Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies
  • Professor of Biology (2004-current)
  • Department of Biology and Center for Life in Extreme Environments
  • Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University, post-doctoral position, 1999-2003
  • University of Colorado-Boulder, Ph.D. Environmental Population and Organismic Biology, 1999
  • Oregon State University, B.S. Biology, 1993
  • Publications and CV available on PDXScholar


Postdoctoral Researcher

Dr. Amie L. T. Romney

  • Portland State University, Ph.D.  2017
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Davis 2017-2021

My research has largely focused on aspects of developmental biology in the context of evolution, ecology, and conservation. Previously, I received my Ph.D. in 2017 with Dr. Podrabsky at PSU where I investigated genetic mechanisms of developmental phenotypic plasticity. Major findings from my dissertation led to the discovery of the role of the vitamin D receptor in regulating the alternative developmental trajectories of the annual killifish, Austrofundulus limnaeus. My publications and CV available on PDXScholar



Graduate Students


Carmen Rodriguez, Ph.D. student

B.S. University of Colorado


Hey! My name is Carmen Z. Rodriguez. In my free time, I eat food-- like a lot. If I am not eating, I'm either paddle boarding or binge watching another TV series. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats-- they keep me pretty busy :) I wish I could say I love hiking with a passion, but I only hike socially and when there is no other choice haha. I am a powerlifter and cardio just does not jive with me. I do maintain a straight face the majority of the time BUT I love talking and chit chatting, so please-- approach me! If not about biology, then animals or something :)


Patrick Clouser

Patrick Clouser, Ph.D. student

B.S. OHSU Clinical Laboratory Science



Following my passion to help others through research. Beyond expanding my education I hope to add to our understanding of the world around us.




Andrew Ashford, M.S. student

B.S. Portland State University


I’m broadly interested in the intersection of biology and computer science including utilizing scripting, databases, statistics, algorithm and pipeline development, and machine learning to answer complex, large-scale omics research questions. My thesis work focuses on using computational methods to look at how small RNAs impact the proteome of the annual killifish during diapause.


Undergraduate Students


Malcom Peavy

Biology, class of 2022, Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation (LSAMP) Scholar


My interests include looking for insects, playing video & board games, watching documentaries or anime, social commentary, hiking, drawing, comedy and summarizing life as an experience of how exciting alienation can be.



Jose Camara-Lavadores

Biochemistry, class of 2023, NIH BUILD-EXITO Scholar


I am currently interested in investigating the microbiome of annual killifish. I am fascinated by their tolerance, to what most would consider, harsh environmental conditions. I'm thriving to learn more about the possibility of a microbiome during development.

Aquatic Vertebrate Breeding Facility Technicians

Andrew Kamau
PSU Major: Biochemistry, class of 2022 

Connor Kime
PSU Major: Biology, class of 2022

Liv McGrah
PSU Major: Biology, class of 2022

Derrick Sarfo
PSU Major: Biology, class of 2021

Anika Kale
To be determined! Class of 2027