Program Details | Philosophy BA/BS

Philosophy enhances skills of abstract thinking, clear argumentative writing, careful reading and analysis of texts, and oral argument. Philosophical training is then valuable in almost any area of life and any occupation that requires examination and analysis of problems, critical evaluation of alternative solutions, and rational advocacy of conclusions and courses of action. Philosophy is also an excellent undergraduate major for pre-professional students. It is ideal for those who aspire to work in the legal profession and fitting for students planning careers in medicine. And finally, as the quintessential interdisciplinary course of study, philosophy is a wonderful second-major and compliments the course of study in the physical and social sciences, arts, and humanities.

Requirements (effective Fall 2024)

  • If you are a new student starting in Fall 2024, then these new requirements apply. 
  • If you are graduating Spring or Summer 2024, then these new requirements do not apply; you must go by the old major requirements. 
  • If you plan to graduate in the 2024-25 academic year or later, then these requirements may
    apply. If the newer catalog year suits your needs better, you have the option to switch to it. All
    you need to do is make sure that when you're ready to graduate, you officially declare the 2024- 25 catalog year on your graduation application.

In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements, the philosophy major must take a minimum of 56 credits in philosophy courses (8 credits of which must be taken in residence at PSU). Specific requirements are as follows:

Required Courses (20 credits)

  • Phl 301U Ancient Philosophy (4 credits)
  • Phl 303U Early Modern Philosophy (4 credits)
  • Phl 308U Elementary Ethics (4 credits)
  • Phl 324U Introduction to Formal Logic I (4 credits)
  • Phl 380 Philosophical Writing (4 credits)

Philosophy Electives (36 credits)

16 of the 36 elective credits must be completed at the 400-level.

BSt 378 and NAS 351U may count towards the 36 credits of philosophy electives.

56 total credits. A maximum of 4 credits of philosophy taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) are acceptable toward fulfilling department major requirements.

Requirements for Catalog Year 2023 and Earlier

Typically, your catalog year is the year you began at PSU, but if you are a transfer student you may be able to use an earlier catalog. Talk with our department chair and undergraduate advisor Angela Coventry at or the Language, Culture and Meaning Pathway Director Martha Dyson at about which catalog requirements make sense for you.

In addition to meeting the general University degree requirements, the philosophy major must take a minimum of 56 credits in Philosophy courses. 


  • PHL 201 Introduction to Philosophy (4 credits)
  • PHL 301U Ancient Philosophy (4 credits)
  • PHL 303 Early Modern Philosophy (4 credits)
  • PHL 308U Elementary Ethics (4 credits)
  • PHL 324U Intro to Formal Logic I (4 credits)
  • PHL 380 Philosophical Writing (4 credits)

Two courses taken from the following (history of philosophy) (8 credits)

  • PHL 451 Major Figures (4 credits)
  • PHL 452 Topics in the History of Philosophy (4 credits)

Four courses taken from the following (thematic courses) (16 credits)

  • Phl 423 Metaphysics (4 credits)
  • Phl 424 Epistemology (4 credits)
  • Phl 432 Philosophy of Mind (4 credits)
  • Phl 433 Philosophy of Language (4 credits)
  • Phl 445 Advanced Ethics (4 credits)
  • Phl 446 Topics in Ethics (4 credits)
  • Phl 447 Topics in Social and Political Philosophy (4 credits)
  • Phl 448 Biomedical Ethics (4 credits)
  • Phl 449 Philosophy of Sustainability (4 credits)
  • Phl 460 Contemporary European Philosophy (4 credits)
  • Phl 470 Philosophy of Science (4 credits)
  • Phl 471 Topics in Philosophy of Science (4 credits)
  • Phl 474 Philosophy of Logic (4 credits)

Philosophy electives (8 credits)

56 total credits. A maximum of 8 credits of philosophy taken under the undifferentiated grading option (pass/no pass) is acceptable toward fulfilling Department Major requirements.