Program Details | Classical Studies Minor

The Classical Studies minor is offered through the Department of World Languages and Literatures. A general outline of the minor requirements is listed below, and more details can be found on the World Languages website or by emailing the Latin section head, Professor Nidever (

An undergraduate minor in classical studies consists of 24 credits of Latin (two years of Latin) and 16 credits of area classes selected from the list of area classes.

Language: 24 credits of Latin

Two years of Latin

Area Classes (16 credits)

  • ArH 352U Ancient Greek Art and Architecture (4 credits)
  • ArH 353U Ancient Roman and Etruscan Art and Architecture (4 credits)
  • Eng 317U Greek Mythology (4 credits)
  • Grk 330U Ancient Epic: Glory and Memory (4 credits)
  • Grk 332U Gods and Mortals: Harnessing the Divine (4 credits)
  • Grk 333U Women in Ancient Greece (4 credits)
  • Grk 335U Tragedy, Fate, and Fragility (4 credits)
  • Grk 336U Ancient Laughter: Ridicule and the Absurd (4 credits)
  • Hst 309U The Roman Republic (4 credits)
  • Hst 310U The Roman Empire (4 credits)
  • Hst 315U History of Ancient Greece (4 credits)
  • Hst 316U Roman History (4 credits)
  • Hst 415 Topics in Greek History (4 credits)
  • Hst 416 Topics in Roman History (4 credits)
  • JSt 311/Hst 311 Introduction to the New Testament (4 credits)
  • JSt 378U/Hst 378U Pagans, Christians and Jews (4 credits)
  • Lat 330U Roman Culture (4 credits)
  • Lat 341U Roman Literature in Translation (4 credits)
  • Phl 301U Ancient Philosophy (4 credits)
  • TA 471 Theater History: Periods and Topics (1-4 credits)

40 total credits

Twelve of the required 40 credits for the minor must be taken in residence at PSU.

All courses used to satisfy minor requirements must be graded C or higher. Students minoring in classical studies must maintain a minimum GPA of 2.50 on all courses used to satisfy the minor requirements.