5 Ways to Jumpstart your job search

A woman sits on a bench in front of a Portland Streetcar


The COVID-19 pandemic plunged the nation into uncertain and stressful times, with unemployment soaring to levels not seen since the 1930s. But Portland State University alumni don’t have to go it alone. The Career Center continues to serve alumni after graduation in good times and in bad. Here are five ways to get help:

  1. Access personal advice: “Oftentimes, the best place to start is with a conversation,” says Greg Flores, Associate Director of Career Services. Make a one-hour appointment with an adviser through the Career Services website at pdx.edu/careers or by phone at 503-725-4613. If you’re out of the area or affected by coronavirus restrictions, meet with an adviser via Google Hangouts or Zoom. During this discussion, alumni explore “strategies, tools, options—all the pieces of their search—and see what makes the most sense for a place to start.” Discussions vary, depending on each alum’s needs, whether they are in immediate danger of running out of money or they have an extended timeline to search for a strategic career move, Flores said. 
  2. Try a workshop: The Career Center offers workshops on topics including interviewing skills, resume and cover letter writing, networking skills and applying to graduate school. This fall, drop-in classes are offered virtually via Zoom, which means alumni can access them no matter where they live. Once campus reopens completely, the Career Center expects to continue with some remote workshop offerings to help more students access services. See a list of offerings at pdx.edu/careers/events
  3. Attend a career fair: Recent graduates and career changers in particular can benefit from meeting potential employers at career fairs. This fall’s virtual career fair will take place Oct. 28. The Career Center is also exploring networking opportunities for alumni looking for positions that require more experience.
  4. Take advantage of tools: The Career Center’s website includes a huge library of resources, Flores said. Alumni can take advantage of the many job boards listed on the Career Center’s website, engage in the PSU Alumni LinkedIn community, or use the portal Handshake to connect with more than 250,000 employers and browse job and internship listings.
  5. Be ready for opportunities: Flores said many alumni have asked if they should bother applying for jobs at all, considering how many businesses have closed. His advice is to focus energy on “networking, on skill building (by) brushing up on technical skills, or as you read job descriptions, looking for places where you could improve to become more competitive.” That way, “when that opportunity comes, you’re ready for it,” he said.

With the current turmoil, people have a lot of outside stressors that can make searching for a job difficult, Flores said. And that’s where the career center comes in, providing counseling and assisting alumni in their search for that next stage in their professional life. “We’re still here to serve,” Flores said, “and we’re happy to help.”