
Peer Reviewed Publications

*=Student collaborator at time of research

Granger, A.*, Kahn, K.B., & Steele, J. (2023). Surveilling threat: The roles of ideology and threat perceptions in support for Islamophobic policy. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 23, 192-213.

Henning, K., Peterson, C., Stewart, G., Kahn, K.B., Labissiere, Y., Renauer, B., Mitchell, R., & Sothern, S. (2022). Getting proactive with police proactivity: The benefits of computer-aided dispatch for directing supplemental police resources to areas of need. Policing: A Journal of Policy & Practice. Doi:

Kahn, K. B. & Money, E.E.L.* (2022). (Un)Masking threat: Racial minorities experience social identity threat wearing face masks during COVID-19. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25, 871-891. Doi:

Boxer, P., Brunson, R., Gaylord-Harden, N., Kahn, K.B., Patton, D., Richardson, J., Rivera, L., Smith-Lee, J.R., Staller, M., Dubrow, E.F., Parrott, D., & Algrim, K. (2021). Addressing the inappropriate use of force by police in the United States and beyond: A behavioral and social science perspective. Aggressive Behavior, 47, 502-512. Doi:

Bennell, C., Alpert, G., Andersen, J., Arpaia, J., Huhta, J.M., Kahn, K.B., Khanizadeh, A.J., McCarthy, M., McLean, K., Mitchell, R.J., Nieuwenhuys, A., Palmer, A., & White, M.D. (2021). Advancing police use of force research and practice: Urgent issues and prospects. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 26, 121-144. Doi: [Note: author order is alphabetical after first author] *Article received award as “Top Cited Article from 2020-2021” in journal*

Kahn, K.B., van Breen, J.A., Barreto, M., & Kaiser, C. (2021). When is women’s benevolent sexism associated with support for other women’s agentic responses to gender-based threat? British Journal of Social Psychology, 60, 786-807. Doi:

Lake, J.S.,* Alston, A.*, & Kahn, K.B. (2021). How social networking use and beliefs about inequality affect engagement with racial justice movements. Race and Justice, 11, 500-519. Doi:

Kahn, K.B., & Martin, K.M. (2020). The social psychology of racially biased policing: Evidence-based policy responses. Policy Insights from Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 7, 107-114. Doi:

Kahn, K.B., Henning, K., Stewart, G; Renauer, B., Peterson, C.; Mitchell, R.; Labissiere, Y., & Sothern, S. (2019). Public response to community engagement patrols in high crime areas. Policing: An International Journal, 42, 917-930.

Zaniboni, S., Kmicinska, M.,* Truxillo, D., Kahn, K.B., Palladino, M., & Fraccaroli, F. (2019). Will you still hire me when I am over 50? The effects of implicit and explicit age stereotyping on resume evaluations. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28, 453-467. Doi:

Kahn, K.B., McMahon, J.M.,* & Stewart, G. (2018). Misinterpreting danger? Stereotype threat, danger indicators, and police-citizen interactions. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 33, 45-54. doi: 10.1007/s11896-017-9233-1

Thompson, M. & Kahn, K.B. (2018). Law enforcement response to mental health crises: Citizen risk factors and preferences for social policy. Police Practice and Research: An International Journal, 19, 329-346. doi: 10.1080/15614263.2017.1371599

McMahon, J. M.,* & Kahn, K. B. (2018). When sexism leads to racism: Threat, protecting women, and racial bias. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 78(9-10), 591–605.

Dukes, K. & Kahn, K. B. (2017). What social science research says about police violence against racial and ethnic minorities: Understanding the antecedents and consequences- An introduction. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 690-700. doi:10.1111/josi.12242

Kahn, K. B. & Davies, P. G. (2017). What influences shooter bias? The effects of suspect race, neighborhood, and clothing on decisions to shoot. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 723-743. doi: 10.1111/josi.12245

Kahn, K. B., Steele, J., McMahon, J.M.,* & Stewart, G. (2017). How suspect race affects police use of force in an interaction over time. Law and Human Behavior, 41, 117-126. doi:

Kahn, K. B., Thompson, M., & McMahon, J.M.* (2017). Privileged protection? Effects of suspect race and mental health status on perceptions of police use of force. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 13, 171-191. doi: 10.1007/s11292-016-9280-0

Kahn, K. B., Lee, J. K.,* Renauer, B., Henning, K., & Stewart, G. (2017). The effects of perceived phenotypic racial stereotypicality and social identity threat on racial minorities’ attitudes about police. Journal of Social Psychology, 157, 416-428. doi: 10.1080/00224545.2016.1215967

Thompson, M., & Kahn, K. B. (2016). Mental health, race, and police contact: Intersections of risk and trust in the police. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 39, 807-819. doi:

Kahn, K. B., Goff, P. A., Lee. J.K.,* & Motamed, D.* (2016). Protecting Whiteness: White phenotypic racial stereotypicality reduces police use of force. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7, 403-411. doi: 10.1177/1948550616633505

Kahn, K. B. & Martin, K.M. (2016). Policing and race: Disparate treatment, perceptions, and policy responses. Social Issues and Policy Review, 10, 82-121. doi: 10.1111/sipr.12019

McMahon,* J. & Kahn, K. B. (2016). Benevolent racism? The impact of target race on ambivalent sexism. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 19, 169-183. doi: 10.1177/1368430215583153

Kahn, K. B., Barreto, M., Kaiser, C., & Rego, M. (2016). How members of high status groups become allies for social change. British Journal of Social Psychology, 55, 27-43. doi: 10.1111/bjso.12117

Glaser, J., Martin, K., & Kahn, K. B. (2015). Possibility of death sentence has divergent effect on verdicts for Black and White defendants. Law and Human Behavior, 39, 539-546. doi:

Kahn, K. B. & McMahon, J. M.* (2015). Shooting deaths of unarmed racial minorities: Understanding the role of racial stereotypes on decisions to shoot. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 1, 310-320. doi:

Lee, J. K.,* Alston, A. T.,* & Kahn, K. B. (2015). Identity threat in the classroom: Women’s motivational experiences in the sciences. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 1, 321-330. doi:

Goddard, T.,* Kahn, K. B., & Adkins, A.* (2015). Racial bias in driver yielding behavior at crosswalks. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 33, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.trf.2015.06.002

Becker, J.C., Barreto, M., Kahn, K. B., & de Oliveira Laux, S.* (2015). The collective value of ‘me’ (and its limitations): Towards a more nuanced understanding of individual versus collective coping with prejudice. Journal of Social Issues, 71, 497-516. doi:10.1111/josi.12125

Kahn, K. B., Unzueta, M., Davies, P. G., Alston, A.,* & Lee, J. K.* (2015). Will you value me and do I value you? The effect of phenotypic racial stereotypicality on organizational evaluations. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 59, 130-138. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2015.03.008

Goff, P. A., & Kahn, K. B. (2013). How psychological science impedes intersectional thinking. Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race, 10, 365-384. doi:

Davies, P. G., Kahn, K. B., & Hutchison, S. (2012). Guerillas versus resistance fighters: Labeling bias influences evaluations of groups involved in Iraq war. International Journal of Advances in Psychology, 1, 18-22.

Goff, P. A., & Kahn, K. B. (2012). Racial bias in policing: Why we know less than we should. Social Issues and Policy Review, 6, 177-210. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-2409.2011.01039.x

Goff, P. A., Di Leone, B. A. L., & Kahn, K. B. (2012). Racism leads to pushups: Racial discrimination and threats to Black male masculine self-concepts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48, 1111-1116. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2012.03.015

Kahn, K. B. & Davies, P. G. (2011). Differentially dangerous? Phenotypic racial stereotypicality increases implicit bias among ingroup and outgroup members. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 14, 569-580. doi: 10.1177/1368430210374609

Kahn, K. B. & Fingerhut, A. W. (2011). Essentialist thinking and the expression of homophobia. Psychology and Sexuality, 2, 137-146. doi: 10.1080/19419899.2010.536562

Kahn, K. B., Ho, A., Sidanius, J., & Pratto, F. (2009). The space between us and them: Perceptions of status differences. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 12, 591-604. doi: 10.1177/1368430209338716

Mendoza-Denton, R., Kahn, K. B., & Chan, W. (2008). Can fixed views of ability boost performance in the context of favorable stereotypes? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1187-1193. doi:10.1016/j.jesp.2008.03.005

Peer Reviewed Chapters

Kahn, K. B. & Money, E.* (2021). The psychology of race and policing. In Jeglic, E. L. & Calkins, C. Handbook of Issues in Criminal Justice Reform in the United States, (pp. 41-56). Springer: Cham. Doi:

Kahn, K. B. (2019). Conducting a successful implicit bias training in schools and organizations. In G. Gullo, K. Capatosto, & C. Staats (Eds). Implicit Bias in Schools: A Practitioner’s Guide. New York: Routledge, (pp. 149-160).

Stewart, G. & Kahn, K. B. (2017). Advanced statistical concepts for crime analysts. In Gallagher, K. et al. (Eds.), Exploring crime analysis: Readings on essential skills, 3rd Edition, (pp. 184-207). 

Kahn, K. B., Goff, P. A., & Glaser, J. (2016). Research and training to mitigate the effects of implicit stereotypes and masculinity threat on authority figures’ interactions with adolescents and non-Whites. In R. J. Skiba, K. Mediratta, & M. K. Rausch (Eds.), Inequality in school discipline: Research and practice to reduce disparities, (pp. 189-205). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.

Thompson, M., Kahn, K. B., McMahon, J.M.,* & O’Neil, M.* (2016). Mental illness, race, and policing. In M. Deflem (Ed.), The politics of policing: Between force and legitimacy. Sociology of crime, law and deviance, Vol 21, (pp. 175-196). Bingley, UK: Emerald.

Kahn, K. B., Goff, P. A., & McMahon, J. M.* (2016). Intersections of prejudice and dehumanization: Charting a research trajectory. In W. D. Hund, C. W. Mills, & S. Sebastiani (Eds.): Simianization apes, gender, class, and race. [Racism Analysis | Yearbook 6, 2015-2016]. (pp. 223-241). Berlin: Lit Verlag.

Kahn, K. B., Spencer, K., & Glaser, J. (2013). Online discrimination and prejudice: From dating to hating. In Y. Amichai-Hamburger (Ed.), The Social Net: Human behavior in cyberspace, 2nd Edition (pp. 201-219). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Glaser, J. & Kahn, K. B. (2005). Prejudice and discrimination and the Internet. In Y. Amichai-Hamburger (Ed.), The Social Net: Human behavior in cyberspace (pp. 247-274). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Edited Special Issues

Dukes, K. & Kahn, K. B. (2017). Editors. What social science research says about police violence against racial and ethnic minorities: Understanding the antecedents and consequences. Journal of Social Issues, 73, 683-883.

Completed Works

Henning, K., Kahn, K., Wuschke, K., Yakots, S., & Peterson, C., (2022). Portland’s 2018-2022 Community-Based Crime Reduction Grant (final report). Portland, Oregon: Criminal Justice Policy & Research Institute, Portland State University.

Henning, K., Stewart, G., Kahn, K. B., Peterson, C., Renauer, B., Mitchell, R., Labissiere, Y., & Sothern, S. (2017). Portland’s Neighborhood Involvement Locations Project (final report). Bureau of Justice Assistance Smart Policing Initiative Final Report. Portland, Oregon: Criminal Justice Policy & Research Institute, Portland State University.

Kahn, K. B. (2017). Racial Bias in Drivers’ Yielding Behavior at Crosswalks: Understanding the Effect (final report). National Institute for Transportation and Communities.

Kahn, K. B. (August 29, 2014). Michael Brown’s Death and Shooter Bias. Op Ed, The Oregonian.

Kahn, K. B. (2014). SPSSI Members Discuss Developments in Ferguson, MO. Op Ed, The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues.

Renauer, B., Kahn, K. B., & Henning, K. (2014). A survey of police bureau partner organizations: Portland, OR 2014. Research Report to Portland Police Bureau and City of Portland.

Renauer, B., Kahn, K. B., & Henning, K. (2014). Perceptions of Police Bureau performance in past year: Organizations and general public opinion. Research Report to Portland Police Bureau and City of Portland.

Renauer, B., Kahn, K. B., & Henning, K. (2013). Public Perceptions Regarding the Police Bureau and Crime in Portland, OR 2013. Research Report to Portland Police Bureau and City of Portland.

Renauer, B., Kahn, K. B., & Henning, K. (2013). Public Contact with and Perceptions Regarding Police in Portland, OR 2013. Research Report to Portland Police Bureau and City of Portland. 

Goff, P. A., Tyler, T. R., Sidanius, J., Dovidio, J. F., Deaux, K., Sommers, S. R., Keesee, T. L., Baldwin, M., Biernat, M., Beletsky, L., Brooke, J., Eberhardt, J. L., Epstein, L. M., Smiedt, M. G., Glaser, J., Goff, E. L., Hagan, J., Harris, D., Christian, M. C., Jones-Brown, D., Kahn, K.B, Kliengklon, T. J., Land, K., Moon, S. H., Motto, M., Najdowski, C., Plaut, V., Sesko, A., Smith, P., Sturm, S., Thomas, E., & Zatz, M. (2010). The Contract for Policing Justice. Los Angeles: Consortium for Police Leadership in Equity.