The Annual Gus and Libby Solomon Memorial Lecture

Mijal Bitton delivered the 17th Annual Solomon Memorial Lecture:

“American Jews in 2022:

Who Counts? And Why That's Important”

In recent years, American Jews have become much more aware of the diversity of their community. American Jews are not only Ashkenazi Jews whose ancestors immigrated to the U.S. from Eastern Europe, but also Sephardic Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Jews of color, and Jews of many other backgrounds. In this talk, sociologist and thought leader Mijal Bitton explains why understanding this diversity and its implications is so crucial for the future of American Jewry.

View the recording of this event:

2022 Solomon Memorial Lecture with Mijal Bitton


Mijal Bitton
Dr. Mijal Bitton

February 10, 2022

5:30 pm - 6:30 pm PT

Join us remotely for this free online event.

Registration: Follow this link to our Zoom registration page.

Support this event: Make a donation to the Gus and Libby Solomon Lecture Series Endowment.


Dr. Mijal Bitton is Scholar in Residence at the Shalom Hartman Institute of North America. Mijal is a teacher, writer, and leading thinker on questions relating to Jewish American identity, Sephardic Jews, pluralism, gender equity, and sociological diversity. She is co-founder and Rosh Kehilla (communal leader) of the Downtown Minyan in New York City. Mijal earned her doctorate from New York University and is a Wexner Graduate Fellowship alumna.


Get to know Mijal Bitton

Video #1:

This video entitled The Texts & Topics Shaping Modern Jewish Life: Identity and “Who Counts?” in The New Jewish Canon features Mijal Bitton. "The New Jewish Canon," a new anthology edited by Yehuda Kurtzer and Claire Sufrin, pulls together a series of texts that shaped a generation. The book pairs each selection with an insightful contemporary essay explaining its continuing significance today. 

Mijal Bitton - "Who Counts?"

View the video on Vimeo:

Video #2:

Mijal Bitton speaks on "Identity Politics." Hosted by The Shalom Hartman Institute. This session was recorded on 6/9/2020 as part of Rabbi Lauren Berkun's global virtual seminar, "Together and Apart: The Future of Jewish Peoplehood."

Mijal Bitton: Identity Politics

View the video on Vimeo at


The 17th Annual Gus and Libby Solomon Memorial Lecture is presented by the Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies at Portland State University. Sponsored by Richard B. Solomon and Alyce Flitcraft. Cosponsors include the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation, PSU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and PSU Department of Sociology.

Support this annual event: Make a donation to the Gus and Libby Solomon Lecture Series Endowment.

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