Japan is Back? The Ongoing Business Reinvention and Societal Changes


Smith Student Union, Room 327/8/9

Cost / Admission




The PSU Center for Japanese Studies Presents

A lecture by Dr. Ulrike Schaede, UC San Diego
Japan is Back? The Ongoing Business Reinvention and Societal Changes

What is often referred to as Japan’s “Lost 3 Decades” has in fact been a period of great transformation, and the results are now crystallizing. Japan’s stock market is at a 30-year high, Japanese companies are among global leaders in many industries, and Japan’s leading companies are pushing forward at the technology frontier. How does this rhyme with the continuing bad news about Japan? This event will focus on the cutting edge parts of Japan’s economy, and explain the ongoing reinvention of business, employment, and innovation.

Ulrike Schaede is Professor of Japanese Business at the University of California San Diego, School of Global Policy and Strategy. She is the Director of JFIT (Japan Forum for Innovation and Technology) where she organizes a regular “Japan Zoominar” on current issues on Japan. She works on Japan’s changing corporate strategies and business management, financial markets and innovation. Her publications include The Business Reinvention of Japan: How to Make Sense of the New Japan (Stanford University Press, 2020), which won the 2021 Masayoshi Ohira Memorial Prize and has been translated into Japanese as 再興 THE KAISHA: 日本のビジ ネス・リインベンション (Nikkei 2022). She holds a PhD in Japan Studies and Economics from Marburg University, Germany, and has been invited to visiting professor and scholar positions at UC Berkeley, Harvard Business School, Stanford University in the U.S., as well as Hitotsubashi University and many private and public research institutes in Japan.


Ulrike Schaede